CaroleTucson wrote:
I sense disapproval from most people. I've been told that it's not real ... that is, people don't really "disapprove" of me. So I figure it's just one more example of my distorted reading of non-verbal cues, and I try to disregard the feeling. Still, it's very stressful, and periodically, it becomes overwhelming and I just sorta shut down.
My solution is to go out into a wilderness area (there are lots of them in my state, and in the West in general), and "lose" myself in solitude. That's the only thing that relieves the stress.
Do anyone else feel this, and what do you do about it?
Yes I feel that way, too. But sometimes I'll tell my husband that I am getting bad vibes from someone or that I'm reading someone's body language that they don't like me and he tells me he didn't see it or that it's all in my head. Funny thing is though, I think my husband is AS, too. So maybe he's missing things as well.
But there are some things that cannot be disputed. Like seeing someone roll their eyes when you say something, or when they something rude and walk off.
My husband and I don't have any friends. All we have is each other, our kids and our family. Yeah, I'd say people disapprove of both of us....