Greentea wrote:
opal wrote:
It amazes me that some people can get away with being a***holes and treat others with an atrocious lack of respect, but squeal like a stuck pig if you stand up to them. I'm also amazed how quickly others stick up for them

I'm surprised and confused that you added this comment, because it's unrelated to what I wrote - and yet, it's exactly what I wanted to write in continuation of my comment. I left it out because it was unrelated. Are you psychic? You seem to have "read" the continuation of my post, which I never posted. It's happened to me with someone on WP before, maybe it was you too...
Yes, one of the biggest mysteries for me is why people always side with the attacker against the one who defends from the attack.
I thought for a moment there you were going to say WTF are you on about
I just seem to be in a similar situation to yourself - where I have put up with others' bad behaviour either to try to get along, or in the mistaken belief that their justifications are warranted, and I am just reading the situation incorrectly. Often times it turns out I was correct all along. I am at the stage that I am not really willing to put up with that sort of bad behaviour and manipulation.
So I kind of extrapolated that this may be your experience too. ( Sometimes I'm right)
O my goodness, am I developing empathy?

Nah probably not...