What bothers me here, is looking at all the posts with astronomical prices, and I'm sitting here wondering how in the hell people with our specific issues, or any mental health issue, is assumed to be capable of paying for an assessment or care at $250 a pop. What about the fact that many of us have a difficult time with holding down a job??? Most people need a good job that offers benefits to have insurance pay for at least some of this cost.... and honestly, if I had a job that was THAT great, I likely wouldn't be sitting in a room with a psychologist, neropsychiatrist, or psychiatrist, trying to figure out if I'm autistic or not.
When I think for example of a bipolar patient. If they are manic, and feeling like they don't even require meds (hypothetically) would they really go around borrowing money to cover the costs of assessments or meds, if they felt they didn't need them anyway? If they were depressed, wouldn't knowing that they had to come up with $200 for care & treatment depress them even more??? ...if they're already feeling as if life's not worth it, how the hell does anyone expect that $200 would feel worth it? ....I dunno, this all p*sses me right off. Lets take people who are affected mentally, cognitively, neurologically or socially, and just expect that they can come up with the cash for treatment. Especially psychiatrists. We have insurance. We also have basic health care in Canada. This basic health care has gotten my son NO help whatsoever. All it gets him is an hour visit with a child psychiatrist every other month, a Dr. who by the way has never spoken directly to my 12 year old (he bases EVERYTHING on SNAP forms, etc) and at the end of the alotted time, he sits and does his dosing math and write yet ANOTHER prescription which doesn't help my son at all. I'm sick of this sh*t!