SplinterStar wrote:
If it wasn't for the internet, we would all be loners to some degree based on the severity of what we were labelled with.
The word Culture does pertain to 'refinement', and expansion : 16th, 17th, 18th Cent etc sailing ships setting out to explore the globe to expand trade and territory.
SplinterStar wrote:
[/quote]We are anti-culture. [/quote]
I don't agree with this statement.
My instincts tell me, we on the ASD spectrum - along with all the other variations of humans born- represent a growth in human understanding of itself as a life form.
This has got to be adding to the very big picture of Being Human. So also expanding our cultural needs and expressions.
Therefore, I would say,
Aspies/Auties everywhere are contributing to cultural growth because of our unique voices, that now via internet have means of being heard & experienced.
Not labelled and cornered into oblivion.
In fact, where such happens to someone with ASDs, you could argue that the perpetrators of That behaviour are demonstrating an example of "anti-culture".