answersfinally wrote:
Routines are not the most compelling aspect of Gillberg's criteria for AS and that criteria will most likely evolve as The criteria for a disorder that is not simply Autism without language deficit but a distinct disorder that is very heritable and that characterizes most people on this forum. Social Egocentricism, narrow and intense bazaar interests and lack of theory of mind will be the necessary criteria. If others have accused you of not being able to take the perspective of others (lacking empathy not sympathy), if you like a particular thing and give it as a gift knowing the person you are giving it to will hate it--you are an aspie.
What's with the obsession you have with Gillberg? Sure you aren't an aspie in denial? Plus, it's pretty obvious that there are overlaps between Classic Autism and Asperger's.. It seems, more and more, like they are both just different variations of the same thing. And i think "lack" of theory of mind is a little extreme. I'd say impaired. To lack it completely would be to not ever have any idea that other people have states of mind at all. And i think most of us can figure out that, logically, other people do have thoughts. It's in imagining what those thoughts are where there starts to be a problem. And i think that most aspies are capable of giving gifts other than things they, themselves, like. Bleh.