SamAckary wrote:
Hey there all you aspies/auties and other guys.
My name is Sam Ackary. And I realised that Capitalism must be controlled if humanity is to flourish. Now before anyone says this is not related to autism, it most certainly is. Autism needs less degradation and less treatment as though we are animals. So does the rest of humanity. I've set up a group on facebook - ... 4564682215.
Its called The World Must Change. It is based on the principle that humanity must alter its moral perceptions, it must re-write its own moral code. It must see the world as all Homo Sapiens, no longer treating races differently or religions intolerantly. I am an Atheist, but I see no reason why I and any other religious individual could not co-exist. If you believe that humanity should attempt to abolish war and violence. Destroy poverty and ignorance, then join this group. Take a side while the world lies in its ruined state. Fight for a revolution. Change the World.
My dear Mr. Sam, the world has been this way since the dawn of time, and that will never change. I stop even worrying about it, and just go about my merry life.
"Controlling" capitalism and the greatness it brings will in no way make this world a better place, because that's what everyone already tries to do.
Yeah, Autism could use those could every single minority that's ever been attacked; again, that's human nature. Look, I have no desire for a "cure" for my Autism...but I also have no desire to "cure" what makes NTs what they are either.
As I've mentioned here in the past, I've come to realize that Magneto from X-men was right when he said that humans are always going to go after the members of society that are different, scapegoat them and all that.
However, I disagree with him regarding his position to be judge, jury, and executioner. I believe it is up for humanity to decide its own path, whether it be to prosperity or consequence; either way, I will "cover my own @$$", to make sure I live a great life regardless.
Should humanity choose death and destruction in the long run however, I will not be there to bail them out upon screwing up.
To quote Batman "I'm not going to kill you...but I don't have to save you"
Or to quote Rorschach from Watchmen( I love this line) "and the world will look up and shout 'save us!', and I will whisper 'no'"
That said, I remember when I was your age; very angry back then in my youth; you may come around in a few years.