It was very rare for me to be able to get to sleep before 2am, even when I've been working. Then I'd have to get up at maybe 7am for work, so maybe 5 hours a night on weekdays, which I'd catch up at the weekend.
Now I'm not working, and can go to bed whenever I want, as late as I want.
On Monday night/Tuesday morning, I didn't even go to sleep at all. I was told that autistics and Aspies tend to have relatively low melatonin levels - low melatonin levels basically mean less need or ability to sleep. Maybe that explains the sleep problems of some of us.
I even found a Night Time Milk which I bought once, containing melatonin, supposed to help you sleep better. It didn't help me any.
My sleep patterns seemed to be slightly more 'normal' before I started working, though I probably slept later than most kids (to my parents' chagrin), and at university I had problems where I missed 9am lectures and fell asleep in the early morning classes I did attend.
That's kind of my story atm.
I need about 8-9 hours of sleep per night to perform properly.
On weekdays i usually got about 5 hours if i got lucky.