PlatedDrake wrote:
Well, following a bit of a genetic thing, males have the XY chromosome set, females are XX. Its been proven in genetics that that vast majority of conditions follow the X chromosome. Thats why its more prevalent in males since we only have the 1 X. Females wont usually show a condition unless its X dominant or X recessive. So, from this point of view, Autism is likely an X recessive trait (also called X - Linked or Sex Linked). This would mean that if a woman's family has a history of the condition (and she happens to have 1 X-recessive Autism trait) and she marries and has children with an autistic male, there is a 50% chance that a daughter will have autism, and the same chance for son.
X | XX | XX |
Y | XY | XY |
Just use this basic display, marking the Autism trait to an X only (denote as Xr or Xa, etc.). What you will see is that a woman without the trait, and a father who has it: Sons will not inherit the trait, but daughters will become carriers. If a mother has the condition (say she's XaXa) and a father who isnt: Sons have a 100% chance of autism, but daughters become carriers. Now, i support this idea, but something came to me. There is an autistic woman (Liane Holliday Willey, also an Aspie and author of "Pretending to be Normal") who has a son and twin daughters. The son and the first twin daughter are fine, but the other twin has the condition. With this, and its quite possible, the recessive trait responsible for autism could be environmentally triggered, since the second twin had a difficult birth. With that in mind, i think that the autism spectrum is our evolutionary defense to prevent or decrease the chances of severe mental handicaps early in life/development. With that in mind, you could praise your "condition" for saving your life. Thoughts, or other observations?
Thank You Autism!
That definitely could apply in my case. Long story short, I had traumatic birth issues (I was born having seizures, not breathing & put on a respirator for 48 hrs. Couldn't go home 'til I lasted 5 days straight seizure free (it took 11 days), which led my mother to get me all kinds of therapy from birth & resulted in my being diagnosed with autism by 18 months than re-diagnosed with PDD.
Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.