Poke wrote:
Of course I was kidding about the mandatory part. But I would like as many as possible to participate.
1. State your diagnosis (whether official or speculative--please indicate which)
2. Describe your visualization ability as best you can in 300 words or less
3. Describe your ability to "imagine sounds" as best you can in 300 words or less
1. Official, Asperger's.
2. I do not visualize things in my head. My sense of direction is poor, as in it takes me awhile to figure out which way is right and left. If someone points to something I'm lost without further description, etc. I like to have picture examples, however. I never imagine what someone would look like.
3. No idea. I don't think I'm any good at it or I would have noticed it I suppose. I never imagine what someone will sound like.