Spazzergasm wrote:
Wurzel wrote:
I've also described myself as being not fully conscious. It took me years to be able to articulate that. Maybe that is an alternate description of what Temple Grandin said. All I know is it affects me every second of every day and it is not fun.
really? how do you mean? could you give me an example?
I am not Wurzel, but I have this issue, myself. I will be chattering away and try to say a word but it's like I lost the shape of it in my mouth. Say I am trying to say the word 'guitar' and I can
see the guitar in my mind but the word is forgotten, the shape of the word doesn't form in my mouth, my mind is puzzling why I can't say the damn word, I am aware of people starting to prepare to shine me on because I sound like I abruptly stopped speaking. . .
and then it pops into my head and I carry on, or it doesn't and like some sort of stutterer, I think of another word.
before I knew about autism and me, I couldn't find anyone that even vaguely knew what I was experiencing let alone could understand what I was talking about. Gawd, I love WP!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon