am_suomi wrote:
... when my boss comes into my office to ask for an update on a project or to ask a question, I sound like a blubbering fool, even if I know the answer. I just can't seem to get it out right. And then when trying to get it out I will mix up words, either out of order, or combine sounds from words and talking talking gibberish (I would say something like "galking tibberish" or I would do something like use the word sword instead of sound.)
I do not have an office, but yes, I do that too ... and I think the problem is that I cannot set details aside and just summarize. I always want/need/have to tell how we got to where we are either before or while reporting where we are now, then I must add at least something about where we are going (or at least might be) and how we can/might get there.
Last week one day I went to the boss to apologize for having demanded too much of his time in that kind of way just a few days earlier, and I was shocked when he said, "When you say [something] works, that is good enough for me."
I understand he does not have time for hearing all the details, but I cannot imagine how he can sleep at night without knowing them!
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.