Shebakoby wrote:
good lord what is the deal with 'flatmates'. How did you end up with this person as a 'flatmate' in the first place?"
Quite by accident. There were a group of about 12 of us starting for the same employer over a short period of time, so they held an orientation. Most of the group already lived and worked in London. Three of us had to move, so we decided to pitch in together - at one point they had trouble finding me a post to fill (long story), then I got two weeks' notice to start. I have one deeply lovely ex-flatmate who I see socially, and who I'm very close to (but not romantically) - and then the one who made my life hell was a problem from even the flathunting (which I put down to stress) and again from move-in day (setting a schedule impractical for me, with a 400 mile drive, and then not bringing the kitchen stuff because "I'm going back to my parents' and I'll bring it on Thursday." Of course, we moved in on a Friday...)
So, yeah. Much better off without. I've set my Outlook so that anything from her goes straight to trash, because she still sends the occasional email that I'd rather not see.
"Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, in the machinery of this world." - Günter Eich (1907-1972)