Anyone else referred to as a child almost constantly?

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16 Oct 2009, 2:59 am

I have one college instructor who refers to us all as "kids".I told her I am too old to be a kid, and she said she just refers to us as kids cuz SHES IN HER FORTIES and we are in our twenties and it is in no way meant to be demeaning.

My litigation instructor calls me "kid" once in a while, but I know hes just joking around..hes a fun type of person.Very approachable too if Im having issues in class. :)

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16 Oct 2009, 4:37 am

I am childlike, so I guess it's to be expected...
My partner's sister is almost a year younger than me, and treats me like a child...then again her kids have disputed that I was actually an adult...For some occasion...birthday or christmas..I forget which...instead of the normal dollar store items, she gave me a bunch of cutesy toys and was kinda neat...but I worried that maybe she was mocking me for being childlike...I have never really been able to know what she thinks of me...she can barely acknowledge me when I am around, and we have never had any sort of bonding or a "normal" conversation...not that I am really very capable of it in the first place...She has 3 kids, and whenever I go to any of the "kid" parties, I hang out with the kids...I can barely manage to talk to the adults..

Any "world-wise" female in their early 20's who remotely gets to know me, usually treats me kinda like a kid..calling me "dear" and whatnot...

I have had people simplify their words when they talk to me...but they are just reacting to my weird childlike ways...

I regularly go out with my parents, and to the naked eye, I am sure I resemble their teenaged daughter...and not their "full grown adult" daughter...


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16 Oct 2009, 5:07 pm

All the time I don't know why though


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16 Oct 2009, 6:43 pm

Age1600 wrote:
omgosh yes, they call me darling too haha, i love it, they pat my head, have the high pitch voice, say what a big girl you are, call me their little buddy etc, im so use to it its unbelievable and ill be 25. I kinda expect it now, i even play hide and go seek and they giggle with me, they treat me like im 3, its weird.

Lol.. I bet they'd have a heart attack to hear you talking about it like that!

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16 Oct 2009, 7:58 pm

When i lived in NC, a lot of people call eachother hun, darling, sweetie, etc...adults to adults. It's kind of annoying, but something they just do reguardless of age. That was in the south. Now in the north, i rarely hear it. That's ok with me though! :)


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16 Oct 2009, 8:15 pm

Yeah, I get called "honey," and "sweetheart," too. It's mildly irritating, but that isn't as annoying as the times when I ask someone a serious question trying to get information on something, and get told, "Don't worry," or "Relax," instead of being given an answer. Perhaps I come across as anxious when I ask questions -- it is sometimes difficult for me to approach people, and that might sometimes show when I come to people for information. I don't see why that's a reason not to answer my question, though.
I haven't been getting that "Don't worry," response to my questions as often lately. I like to think that my social skills are improving with practice. Of course, now that I said that, I'll probably get that response ten times in the next week. Hmmmm.
I get the condescending treatment, too. That makes some sense considering the fact that I am lagging behind my same age peers socially and emotionally by *at least* a decade. I also tend to be very playful in my interactions with the children I work with, and with the handful of adults I'm actually comfortable with.
I also look very young for my age. I'm petite and baby faced. Additionally, I prefer to wear t-shirts and jeans every day (or long sleeved shirts and jeans, as the season dictates). I also don't accessorize, and the only jewelery I wear is my watch. I wear little to no make-up. I like to wear my hair long, and I do, but I don't have the fine motor skills to do anything with it, or the motivation for that matter. At a previous job, I was told that if I wanted to move up in the ranks, I needed to "sharpen up that appearance," because my "presentation" didn't give off the right impression.
This past June, I was at Barnes and Noble buying some books at a time when they were holding a book fair for the local junior high, which involved students who attend said junior high getting a discount for any purchases. When I stepped up to the register to pay for my books the cashier asked me if I was "with the book fair." Apparently, he thought I looked like I might be a student at the nearby junior high. I'm twenty eight years old. I DID attend that school, but those days are thankfully far behind me.
Wow, this got long. Anyway, my point is, I can relate.

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16 Oct 2009, 8:28 pm

I'm 23 & my dad still sometimes calls me kiddo.
But I don't think it's because of my childish behavior. I think it's cuz I'm his only daughter, so the whole "Daddy's little girl" thing comes into play.

I've been called cute a lot, especially by my guy friends. I have to admit, I find it irritating & insulting. Cute is what you call a little kid, not an adult. Not only that but guys never go for the girls that they consider "cute". They always go after the girls that they consider "sexy". Hardly anyone ever calls me sexy.

Maybe I'm over reacting and being too sensitive, but it does hurt me. I feel like I'm being left behind while everyone else is growing up and moving on with their lives. Half of my friends are already planning their weddings.