No, I wouldn't press the button. There's loads of reasons why I wouldn't.
First of all, I wouldn't know what the consequences of pushing that button would be. I mean, how much of ourselves has to do with genetics and how much has to do with the environment and our experiences? Suppose that every autistic feature is taken away fro me if I pressed the button: sensory overload, all my emotional issues, anxiety, my discomfort around people, etc....
Yeah, it would be nice to get rid of the most disabling aspects, but what if it also takes away the talents I have (which I think are directly related to AS), my obsessiveness (which I don't think is always a bad thing), my perfectionism (which is somewhat related to AS), the fact that I work extremely well individually and am usually super-focussed on everything and can notice details that some people don't notice and my visual intelligence, etc..... I would never go near that button.
I'm not one of those people that believe they can "have their cake and eat it". I don't that I could keep all of the positive aspects and not have any negative aspects. Also, so many people have done so much to make my life easier and I feel like a quick fix is a big middle finger in their faces. I couldn't do that to them.
So despite my anger problems, executive dysfunction, anxiety, my fluxuating self esteem, my black and white attitude to everything, social stupidity and general neuroticsm, I would never press the button. My character will dramatically change if I didn't have these issues and I simply wouldn't be the same.