Screaming kids! Anyone else can't stand the noise?

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14 Oct 2009, 8:07 pm

Cats are quite capable of cleaning themselves. I've never understood why people will insist on washing them, they are not dogs.

The only time we've ever washed a cat was when we had our kitten fall into a bucket of used motor oil. Trying to bite back laughter at this poor, distressed, oil soaked kitten we proceeded to shampoo her a number of times. Worked pretty good, but she smelled of oil for weeks after. We still have her 8 years on :)

But, coming back on topic, I HATE screaming kids, and any similar screechy noise.


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14 Oct 2009, 8:27 pm

I had to give one of my foster kittens a bath the other night - apparently he was playing in the litter box and he got some poo on his back :eew:

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14 Oct 2009, 8:45 pm

WritersBlock wrote:
I don't mind the screaming children as much as I mind the parents who seem to be oblivious to the irksome caterwauling their progeny create.

I think they deliberately make themselves oblivious in order not to go completely mad. :lol:

The screaming in stores does bother me at times, more than it used to when I was younger. Most of the time I feel bad for the parents, because obviously they don't want their kids to be screaming any more than I or anyone else does. At least we can go home and get away from it. They have to go home and likely hear more.

I found a technique for dealing with my own screaming, miss-behaving kids when they were little. It was to detach myself emotionally as if I were their nanny instead of their mother. This helped me to look at the situation objectively and find creative solutions to create peace. It worked well.


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15 Oct 2009, 12:35 am

I would be something like: IF you scream again I will shriek in your ear too...

Dunno, I suck at that :P

And yes, altough I am male and my voice is not high-pitched, if I want I can do a really high-pitch scream (I learned this as a child and for some unknown reason I managed to keep it after I became adult and my voice went more bass...), but like I said before, I avoid doing it because it hurts my own ears...

What do you do when it is like the people are making those loud noises and you need to tell them to stop but you don't want to? This week I went to a game development congress, during a round table with government officials, some business people and a huge bank (they were talking about government helping the industry), there was a family there complete with non-stop talking parents (specially the mother with her husband and people around her), and ocasionally shireking kid... Eveyrone stared at them, and some people even did the "SHHHH" noise, but still they like ignored us...

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15 Oct 2009, 12:47 am

i haaate hearing kids or babies cry or scream....and my mom had a home daycare growing up so i was surrounded by it all the time. I'd always hide out in my room to try and escape but the kiddies would bang on my door cuz they want to come in too :evil: apparently when i was a baby i was a real shreiker, whenever someone would pick me up that wasnt one of my parents i'd scream my head off untll one of them was holding me. and 25 years later i cant raise my voice. If i try to scream when i'm angry nothing comes out and i have a lot of difficulty speaking loudly....i never did understand that :rambo:


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15 Oct 2009, 1:48 am

A better question might be;

'Is anyone unaffected by screaming kids' :?: and.............include NTs in the survey :lol:

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15 Oct 2009, 9:01 am

I end up with screaming kids in the waiting room all the time, very much to my regret (oh, how I love Friday afternoons now, the pediatrician goes home early so all I have left for patients in the waiting room is lovely quiet seniors...ahhh! I think my NC headset has saved a few lives as well...;) ) - I try to be patient when I see the parents struggling with a fussy kid, and looking around furtively with the "I am sorry, please forgive me!!" look on their face. Others, I don't like as much - the ones that are sitting on the telephone while little treasure is running up and down screeching in what I consider a kid hostile environment (doc office, lots of sharp things, expensive equipment, and adults in half-run most of the time - more than one little kid has been stepped on or had been thrown back because of a door opening fast...) I don't like the ones that are trying to be the best friend, either - please little treasure, don't stand in the chair. please little treasure, the doctor is waiting, do you want to be carried or will you walk? (which incites 10 minutes of negotiations - just pick the kid up already, go! They are little, you are big. Would you negotiate if the house was on fire? NO. Now GO! ) I don't like the parents that encourage it either "oh little treasure, jump up and down and scream again, its so darn cute..."


Not happy with the parents who use terrorist techniques either - their kid starts to get fussy and crying, so instead of maybe taking them out of the office for a minute, they walk them up to my desk and let them howl in my ear, fully expecting me to GET mad and "make" the doctor go faster and take them first, whether their appointment is next or not...

They took the toys away recently because of H1N1. That takes a lot of the screaming down, actually, nothing to scream about (lots of fights over a favourite truck, etc). Bet nobody thought there was an upside to a pandemic, but there you go...;)

There have been times when I have had to remove myself from the front office so I could calm down - otherwise I might have told off a few patients, and where I could get away with that if I was another patient, I can't when I am an employee. I appreciate it that the parents develop filters so they don't utterly lose their minds, but I wish they would keep in mind that many of us don't have that ability, sigh.

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15 Oct 2009, 10:01 am

Screaming in general etches my nerves to the point of being in pain . . . especially if its really high pitched.


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27 Nov 2009, 5:11 am

Loud noises such as screaming kids and high pitch noises are not painful for me, but they are annoying and irritating to cause some discomfort.

It gets bad some days at the store in Red Deer where I work.Thank God by this summer I will be working at a law firm when I finish college. :D The only tantrums I will have to worry about is that of the lawyers after a bad day in court. :P

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27 Nov 2009, 7:59 am

Sati wrote:
The sound of a screaming baby or child is extremely painful for me, and I immediately have to cover my ears and/or leave when I'm around one.

quoted for truth. :shaking:

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27 Nov 2009, 11:21 am

I don't particularly like loud people or kids screaming as it does my head in.


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27 Nov 2009, 1:39 pm

I hate kids in general. Not just their screaming, but when they're running around and getting in the way. Ugh.


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27 Nov 2009, 2:09 pm

High-pitched screaming is one of the few things I DON'T like about little kids. Drives me nuts.

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28 Nov 2009, 8:42 am

Every morning the brats next door (in the house attached) wake up at 7am and start screaming. This is my alarm clock.

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28 Nov 2009, 9:55 am

yea i hate it, it sucks

28 Nov 2009, 10:21 am

Tipi wrote:
Every morning the brats next door (in the house attached) wake up at 7am and start screaming. This is my alarm clock.


I've dealt with screaming kids next door during the spring and summer. I just close the window but the fan always blocked most of it out. Plus I had ear plugs anyway.