KenM wrote:
IMO part of the reason these things are "taboo" is because to the average NT, its not as interesting as to what some celeb wore, or who she went out with, ect.. They want to talk about the same stuff over and over.
Bit of an unfair generalisation, IMO. I'm definitely NOT comfortable - no matter WHO is talking about it, even people I like - talking about bodily fluids, anal and oral sex [especially the latter, just the thought of it makes me ill], and I would not be impressed if someone spoke with me, with great relish, about rapes or physical abuse. Sorry, no go. If that makes me an "average NT", so be it.
Not all NTs are shallow, and I'm sure the same thing goes with people on the spectrum - not all people on the spectrum want to talk about these topics, let alone go into detail.
Everyone has their own sensitivities, the trick is to test people's boundaries. I've noticed that people usually don't go directly into explicit detail, but instead may make vague statements about a "taboo" topic. Then they'll slowly go into details until one person will say, "stop!" and the topic changes.
Said the apple to the orange,
"Oh, I wanted you to come
Close to me and
Kiss me to the core."
Think you're ASD? Get thee to a professional!