superboyian wrote:
Yea, but the disadvantage with it is that you would pretty much be missing out on a normal life really and missed out alot of things that alot of teenagers did, but I would of missed out regardless.
I know there was one called Lownsdowne which is all the way in Stockwell and I've heard alot of High Functionings are there, certainly free too, but I don't know what that school is like though? From what it sounds like, it seemed like a fairly good school.
What exactly is it I'd be missing out on, anyway? Coz I've heard people say that a lot, but I have no idea what exactly it is I'd miss out on. I don't have a normal teenage life anyway, aside from school I never go anywhere. In fact, I never go anywhere at all now, because I've finished with school and have yet to start college.
Plus, a lot of the stuff normal teenagers do is stupid. They go to dodgy parties, drink, do drugs, etc. Why?! I'd much rather stay at home doing something I find fun or doing something useful, productive, and interesting.
So, I ask again, what is supposedly so great about having a normal teenage life, and what is it I'd have missed out on going to a special school?