Klom wrote:
I tend to be extremely forgetful. I can not get by without plotting everything I'm going to do into my cellphone calendar. I leave stuff everywhere, and well.. Yeah. Have always been that way! Extremely annoying. And as everyone I confront with this fact ask me.. No, I do not have learning difficulties. I get intensely sucked up in what I do.
Is this an aspie thing? I'm just curious. I don't think so, but I'm still curious.
No, this is not an Aspie thing, because I was always told that Aspies have good memory. If you forget things a lot, you're more than likely have some symptoms of Dispraxia - which I was diagnosed with last month, after a whole childhood of apparently ''having Aspergers''.
The most thing I forget is numbers. This is really annoying. Here's some examples:-
When I'm going to buy a pot of pasta and a tub of fruit in the supermarket, I always check the date on the packaging, but as soon as I turn away I forget what date I've just read.
Also, I look at my watch when standing at the bus stop and I immediately forget what the time is, so I look again more carefully.
Also, when I'm putting something in the microwave, I always forget how many minutes it said to put it in for, so I have to look again and again.
Bloody numbers - they play tricks on me!
Also, at work, if I buy a drink and put it in the fridge, I will more than likely go home and forget it (this is a big NT thing aswell!) But it's annoying because I will be half way to the bus station and stop in my tracks when I suddenly realise that I've forgotten something.
I hope I'm not getting Altzheimer's!