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09 Dec 2009, 9:43 pm

I used to eat everything separate and each item in its entirety before moving onto the next. I stopped doing that about the time that my sensory issues went away, I think (high school).

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13 Aug 2010, 9:30 pm

I eat gummy bears in a specific order and only that order: red, orange, yellow, green, white. When pink ones first came out, I had trouble deciding where to fit them, eventually putting them between red and orange. For additional colors, I decide on their place, and eat them in that order. If I get one of those packages with ten or more colors, like those commonly found in Eastern European supermarkets, I just give up on trying to arrange them and just eat them randomly. When I admitted it to someone, he said: "that's kind of weird, man, but not enough to weird me out, so it's cool" in a slightly laughing tone.


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13 Aug 2010, 11:25 pm

fiddlerpianist wrote:
The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is watching the static charges of certain cereals, like Cheerios and Kix. After awhile in the milk, they would attract each other. I would make patterns with my Kix using this weak force.
Yes! The circular ones form hexagonal patterns, it's fun forming patterns and eating them into other shapes. Or putting one next to another, and watching as they slowly go together.

I can't stand getting sauce on my vegetables.


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14 Aug 2010, 3:41 am

I used to eat candies in specific order, according to their colour (for M&M's : Green - Blue - Red - sometimes Yellow I think there are other colour by I never tried to eat them because of their colour) but no I no longer eat candies at all...

I do eat things separately exept in pizzas, cakes, pies (well, I don't really like pies), etc... I don't hate it when two different kind of food touch (apart from sauce, I always refused to eat my potatoes when my parents had put them in the ketchup for some reasons) but I just have this habbit. It's natural to me, I had never realized it before my uncle made fun of me for that.

I also enjoy eating the same thing over and over again. During Autumn / Winter / early Spring I usually have a soup for dinner (3 different falours and mixed because I don't like having pieces of vegetables in it) and a piece of bread then a fruit salad. In Summer, I have rice salad for dinner.
(Of course, I can't do this now that I'm back at my parent's house for a month and I don't really enjoy it).

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, I had to eat purée for a month and was disappointed when I had to go back to "normal food" since I dislike change. :lol:

I never thought I had OCD or tended to prefer routine to change because it's kind of insulting to be called "predictable" (and because I didn't want to have a "mental disorder")... yet I have to admit that I tend to be very predictable.

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14 Aug 2010, 6:52 pm

My "weird" thing was not eating the last bite of things. Dinner there was always 1 bite left of something. Sandwiches. Fries. Anything. I didn't realize I did that until my husband mentioned it. Now I consiously try to eat every last bite LOL

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19 Aug 2010, 4:10 pm

I eat magic stars... and i turn them all face up, and divide them into subcategories, depending on which facial expression they wore... and then i would eat them, category by category.
I will only eat complex carbohydrates like potatoes (but not the skins!), pasta, and noodles. (but not white bread!), meat, or chocolate. thats IT. I will only eat mashed potato with gravy, I will pick out any vegetables in a sauce that I can feel, see, and HEAR myself chewing. i cant even bear to touch most foods. :roll:


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19 Aug 2010, 4:23 pm

I have a few..
Anything mixed but separable(like candy, vegetables) has to be eaten starting from least favourite flavour to most favourite flavour.
Anything made with layers has to be separated before it's eaten.
Can't stand when different foods touch either - I usually have them on different plates or bowls.


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19 Aug 2010, 5:29 pm

bonuspoints wrote:
I am like this, especially when dressings are involved (syrups, salad dressings, gravy). Dressings should only touch the food they are meant to, anything else is just wrong.

I am like this too. I always use a lot more plates than everyone else, so my food doesn´t run together.

Does anyone else do this- (or is it just me?):

When eating breakfast, I always have jasmine green tea, and with dinner, red wine. I ALWAYS have to finish the meal with the last sip of beverage; I can´t finish with something solid. This means I have to proportion food to drink well, always finishing with drink....(either that, or I have to have unlimited amounts of my beverage. For instance, lots of red wine :hic: )

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18 Jun 2013, 8:50 pm

While I can eat practically anything (except things I am allergic to), my Father has the following issues:

He won't touch luncheon meat with his bare hands, using knives and forks to pry meat out of the packaging, and acts like his fingers are going to be burned or he will die of instant poisoning if he touches it.

He is terrified of eating sausages unless cooked to a crisp, resulting from reading some horror-fiction about American meat-packing plants. The fact that he had British parents (who ate them regularly) and we are living in Canada, where meat packing has for the most part, been clean and safe is irrelevant to him.

Practically all Italian food is shunned, for bizarre reasons - he is terrified of bad breath (he will get really close to your face and start sniffing you and mocking you after you eat anything Italian or Mexican); he calls melted cheese from pizza 'elastic'; and when my mother was still alive, she was made to prepare two types of spaghetti sauce when the family had dinner - one for the rest of us, one cup for him that looked like thick tomato juice, because he had an issue with the appearance of the real sauce. He demanded to wear 'smoked glasses' whenever it was served and made a rude comment on its appearance.

He will only eat fish and chips with white vinegar, he has a hangup about malt vinegar, due to smell issues, and also in spite of my British Grandparents using malt vinegar in the cold days. Because of its appearance, tartar sauce is a no-go.

For roast or fried chicken, apart from slicing off practically all the skin and batter, he begins to surgically slice off the slightest bit of discoloured meat that few people give a second thought about, and leaves a pile of it on the side of his plate enough to feed a starving family.

When I was younger, I had to eat my grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches in secret, as he would remove any "excess" bacon because 'it might make [me] sick'. Wrong! It never did. And yes, he micro-surgically removed the fat when bacon was cooked.

Finally, don't even think about offering him BBQ sauce, basting his steak with Kitchen Bouquet or marinade. (He thinks they make the meat foreign and spicy).

There are others, but these stick out the most.


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18 Jun 2013, 11:21 pm

I eat M&Ms damaged ones first, then by color, darkest color to lightest. Sometimes I vary it by eating the color with the fewest M&Ms first, then the next fewest, and so on.

Potato chips are eaten damaged pieces first, then whole chips, going from smallest chip to largest.

When eating French fries, the ketchup MUST be poured into a puddle beside the fries, not distributed on top of the fries. Each fry gets dunked in the puddle, then eaten. I'll mix ketchup and mustard together in the same puddle, but neither goes on top of the fries.

I will not eat white bread unless it is toasted. It turns to mush in my mouth and is unpleasant. No such problem with whole wheat, multigrain, or rye bread, though. As a kid I would eat only one brand of sandwich bread: Roman Meal.

Also when I was a kid, I had the same thing for lunch every day for long stretches, then switched to something else that I'd eat exclusively for lunch. The ones I remember are: liverwurst & cheese; peanut butter & jelly; cream cheese & jelly; and Spaghettios. I vary the menu now, but don't mind having the same thing several days in a row, like making a casserole and eating it for lunch and dinner for 3 or 4 days straight.

I used to eat frozen waffles every morning before school. After they came out of the toaster, they got buttered then syrup poured on. The syrup had to fill every individual indentation in the waffle. I had two distinct patterns for applying syrup, depending on the shape of the waffle. Square/rectangular waffles (like Aunt Jemima) got syruped In a back-and-forth motion. Round waffles like Eggo had syrup applied in an inwardly-moving spiral, ending in the center.

Let's see...nope,that's all the food weirdness I can think of right now.


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18 Jun 2013, 11:28 pm

You mean everyone doesn't sort M&M' s by color? :lol: I used to get teased for eating one thing at a time on my plate. Nowadays I take a more round robin approach.


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19 Jun 2013, 12:58 am

Shaye wrote:
I also eat everything seperate. Even when I make a that sandwich, I pull it apart.

Me too! And I eat things in order- veg first, then protein, then carbohydrate. One of the reasons I don't like eating in front of people though.

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19 Jun 2013, 3:53 am

I always thought I was an extremely unfussy eater as I have hardly any dislikes, but now I'm not so sure ... ;)

- I always have to mash my potatoes with a fork before pouring the gravy. It just tastes better that way ... also, I'm terrified that the potato will slip in the gravy and go flying across the table otherwise. :? My gran used to get really upset about this, said she couldn't take me anywhere! I usually manage to work around this in restaurants though (mainly by ordering a different type of carb).

- the gravy can't touch the vegetables, ideally not the meat either (I'm been a lot better about this now, but when I was a child, I really hated it)

- for the last bites, I'd keep my favourite thing for last. I managed to stop that after a number of incidents where I'd eaten so much that I was full by the time my favourite came around and I couldn't enjoy it as much ... :(

- pour a finger of fresh, whole-fat milk; add freshly brewed black tea. I used to get really upset when people poured the tea first.


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19 Jun 2013, 6:35 am

(3-and-a-half-year-old thread)

I have a similar habit. When I eat candies etc that have different colors/flavors I tend to eat the least favorite color/flavor first, but I keep one of each color/flavor till I finish the second last of my favorite color/flavor. So I have one of each left. I often don't eat them for a while. If I buy/get a new packet then I can go ahead and eat the remaining ones from the old packet. I somehow found this habit embarrassing and never told anyone about it. Now it's out here on WP.


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19 Jun 2013, 7:34 am

I love a certain kind of chewy fruit candy we have here in Finland called Ässä mix. I always eat them by colour. There are 5 colours; yellow (banana), green (don't know), purple (blackcurrant), orange (orange) and black (salmiakki, which doesn't exist outside Finland). I always start with my least favourite taste, yellow. After that I can eat any colour.


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20 Jun 2013, 2:25 pm

My food has to be eaten in steps. I eat the vegetable first. Then I eat the meat. Then I eat the starch last. It must be in that order. When I was a kid my food couldn't touch but eventually got over that. My husband thinks the way I eat is so strange. I also have texture issues too. I don't like grainy things like cornmeal and cake.