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11 Dec 2004, 12:35 am

CockneyRebel wrote:
I fit the Geek stereotype very nicely. I wear my Horn-Rimmed babies with pride, and I'm always bangning into things. I also have Beatle Hair and I think it looks cute with my Glasses.

What are horn rimmed glasses? My first impression is makes me think Viking Eyewear.
echospectra wrote:
I'm a girl and hopeless at math; unfortunately that makes me confirm another stereotype...

I may not be hopeless in math, but I do have difficulty grasping some the higher math concepts and formulas and likewise the word to number formula found in chemistry, but I blame the school system for failing to understand how to teach it effectively.

Glenn wrote:
I am a Buddhist (and I won't go here into the question of whether Buddhism is a 'religion' or not!)

I only wonder whether that is another god in human form thing, which I difficulty believing in. Other than that is perhaps the only major deistic belief system not drowning in a history of violence. That is one point Buddha seems to trumped over all others.

Civet wrote:
I often dress in black

I used to do that mostly, even before it was fashionable, but then I got a little board with it. Still do sometimes though, but I changed my look a little. I hoped it would affect my social magnetism.

Last edited by Epimonandas on 11 Dec 2004, 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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11 Dec 2004, 3:13 am

I'm a chick, I can speak and write, and I'm not especially interested in maths, but apart from that, I'm a stereotype... :oops:


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11 Dec 2004, 8:53 am

Epimonandas wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
I fit the Geek stereotype very nicely. I wear my Horn-Rimmed babies with pride, and I'm always bangning into things. I also have Beatle Hair and I think it looks cute with my Glasses.

What are horn rimmed glasses? My first impression is makes me think Viking Eyewear.

I'm a girl and hopeless at math; unfortunately that makes me confirm another stereotype...

I may not be hopeless in math, but I do have difficulty grasping some the higher math concepts and formulas and likewise the word to number formula found in chemistry, but I blame the school system for failing to understand how to teach it effectively.

Glenn wrote:
I am a Buddhist (and I won't go here into the question of whether Buddhism is a 'religion' or not!)

I only wonder whether that is another god in human form thing, which I difficulty believing in. Other than that is perhaps the only major deistic belief system not drowning in a history of violence. That is one point Buddha seems to trumped over all others.

Civet wrote:
I often dress in black

I used to do that mostly, even before it was fashionable, but then I got a little board with it. Still do sometimes though, but I changed my look a little. I hoped it would affect my social magnetism.

There are two types of Horn-Rimmed Glasses. The National Health style, and than the more femminine style that turn up at the top. I wear the National Health ones, like the ones that Austin Powers wears.

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11 Dec 2004, 9:20 am

CockneyRebel wrote:

There are two types of Horn-Rimmed Glasses. The National Health style, and than the more femminine style that turn up at the top. I wear the National Health ones, like the ones that Austin Powers wears.

I usually wear wire-frames or contacts, but sometimes I wear vintage horn-rims. People seem to either love them, or hate them, but whatever... I'm quite fond of them, and I tend to look geeky no matter what I wear. :D


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11 Dec 2004, 10:00 pm

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autistics are guys
- Autistics are white
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
- Autistics don't believe in religion
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
- Autistics are math nerds
- Autistics are introverted

I'm female, white, definitely not a geek, Christian/spiritual, don't like rock and goth, can speak very well in familiar and comfortable situations (just ask my family :lol: ), majored in English in college with a concentration in writing, always did very poorly in math, and yeah I guess you could say I'm an introvert - when I'm in public.

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12 Dec 2004, 8:17 am

i don't think aspergers syndome exists cos i think it is a name given by ppl who don't understand that every1 is different. i have got it and i came 2 relise this after bevliving rubbish bout it. why do ppl think we can't be religious cos i have been religious all my life. my faith means a lot 2 me. i am still growing in my faith.
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02 Mar 2005, 3:15 pm

TaliDaRadical wrote:
Here are a few oft-repeated stereotypes about Autistic folks:
- Autistics are guys
- Autistics are white
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
- Autistics don't believe in religion
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
- Autistics are math nerds
- Autistics are introverted

! !!

Guy yes
White yes
geek kinda
VERY religious
HATE Rock/Goth
Speak /write well
hate math
kinda introverted

There is some truth to these stereotypes, not much

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03 Mar 2005, 10:38 pm

I'm a caucasian girl. I'm not really considered the stereotype (there's that word again) of a geek, but I am by no means a conformist. I am a highly spiritual person, all though I don't practice a structured religion. I'm into classic rock and showtunes; although one of my friends and I want to learn the extinct Gothic language and try to revive it (I'm talking real Gothic, not the people who dress in black clothes). I love speaking and writing; they are my two favorite things in the whole world. I'm alright in math, but it is not my forte. I am by no means an introvert.

So apart from being caucasion and into classic rock, I totally do not fit the stereotype.


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04 Mar 2005, 2:39 pm

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autistics don't believe in religion

Oddly enough, I have not met anyone in real life, with asperger tendencies, that has a devout belief in religion. They always describe themselves as agnostic or atheist.


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04 Mar 2005, 2:44 pm

Tekneek wrote:
Oddly enough, I have not met anyone in real life, with asperger tendencies, that has a devout belief in religion. They always describe themselves as agnostic or atheist.

I guess we've never met then. :D In addition to this forum, I belong to another AS forum that is full of members with a devout belief in religion. We're out there!


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04 Mar 2005, 3:04 pm

I'm another devoutly religous aspie!!


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04 Mar 2005, 3:25 pm

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'

Well, judging by our habits and social misfortunes, it's no wonder that most of us ARE geeks, or in close proximity to become one. But yes, it's too easy to pigeonhole geeks and nerds to make them fit in a stereotype because that's what people want to see.

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autistics like rock and goth

Rock: sure - blues, progressive, the works. Goth: Nope, I'm not *that* depressive... :D

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autistics can't speak or write

I do a lot of copywriting for the company where I work, and have lost the fear to speak in public. Beat that.

TaliDaRadical wrote:
- Autistics are math nerds

I barely passed math when graduating from HS, and even though I am involved on many programming-related duties these days, I still don't find myself absolutely comfortable with math. I prefer drawing, painting or play music.

But perhaps the worst part is the popular relation -at least in my country- of the word "syndrome" with Down's Syndrome, and for the layman, AS might as well be thought as some sort of Down's cousin, therefore thinking people with AS and Down's are one and the same. That, certainly, has teh sux.

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04 Mar 2005, 8:26 pm

Official results of the "TAFKASH stereotype quotient" test:

- Autistics are guys

- Autistics are white
And again, yes....

- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
I always picture 'geeks' as skinny, spotty little herberts (apologies to any of you who are indeed skinny, spotty little herberts by the way... :?), to which stereotype I hardly conform...... I'm too basically indolent to ever be a 'geek' anyway...

- Autistics don't believe in religion
My God... its like they've known me all my life......

- Autistics like rock and goth
What do they mean by 'rock' exactly????? Everytime I turn on MTV (which I never actually do in reality, but bear with me....) I see Godawful 'rock' bands that I'd rather crochet using my own intestines with than listen too, but I still like 'rock' in theory...... What 'rock' do they mean exactly? Goth's alright I suppose (although I saw "The Rasmus" classed as "goth" recently by some 13 year old..... huh? 8O )

- Autistics can't speak or write
I write most eloquently (as I'm sure you'll agree), and can speak marvellously (when pre-prepared to do so and spontaneity is not de riguer), so no, I tell you!! !

- Autistics are math nerds
I'm brilliant at Maths, but hate it - I thnk that disqualifies me from nerd-dom..... (BTW - we call nerds "swats" in the UK, but I'll stick with the Americanism for consistency, course and common the term may be...)

- Autistics are introverted
Yes and no...... Depends on if I'm 'on' or not, and most importantly who I'm with...... I can under the right circumstances completely dominate social gatherings with my towering presence, loud, piercing voice and brilliant wit (ahem!). Not to mention my, when required, "bon homie", "joie de vivre" and "il y a un chat dans la maison avec un bicyclette"..... Tricky to say definitively, really...... Hmmmm.....

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04 Mar 2005, 8:33 pm

Sorry, I am in a bit of a funny mood tonight.... I actually went to a party this evening.... Me!! !! ! A party!! !! !! Simultaneously!! !! ! At the same time and place!! !! ! And nobody even threw anything hard or pointy at me the whole evening!! !! !! (at least not to my face, anyway.....) Me and a social life!! !! !! Arrrgggghhhhhh!! !! !!

OK..... deep breaths....... 1.... 2.... 3..... 4......

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04 Mar 2005, 8:37 pm

i like rock and goth(tho im not, just the art). im a white boy. religion is just funny. i grew up christian but it just seems odd to worship something invisible without proof that its there. Im good at math, but absolutely hate it. I can speak and and write awesome(but my grammar could use some work). iam a little bit of a geek but not many people can tell. Introverted, what the hell does that mean?

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05 Mar 2005, 10:21 am

TaliDaRadical wrote:
Here are a few oft-repeated stereotypes about Autistic folks:
- Autistics are guys
I'm a girl..
- Autistics are white
I'm "black irish" according to my mom..
- Autism/Asperger is known as 'the geek syndrome'
I am a little geeky.
- Autistics don't believe in religion
Wrong. I'm mega religious. But I am definetly not mainstream.. More like the auties I've read a little of here..
- Autistics like rock and goth
- Autistics can't speak or write
I can do both.
- Autistics are math nerds
Okay, I do like math.
- Autistics are introverted
Not introverted.. more like beaten into a reclusive mindset. To protect (what's left of) me. :wink: NTs can be rough as cobs.