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11 Dec 2009, 10:06 pm

PunkyKat wrote:
I was adopted so I don't share the same genes with my parents. My biological mother was low functning autistic (at the time, the late 80s-early 90's) they said she was just ret*d. But I SWEAR my dad has some AS traits and I think my mom does too. My dad is very intrested in weater and history. He always wanted to be a history teacher and now that I am homeschooled he is mine sometimes. When he's not he always is more than willing to help me with my homework. I think I got my intrest in history and weather from him. He's SUPER nice to people with developmental disabilities I think it's because he understands. He dosen't let me get away with using AS as an excuse but then he dosen't try to change me. He is one of my idols and I love him. My mom NEVER subjected me to things like ABA and only tried to get me the help I actualy needed to help me in life. She NEVER tried to make me into something I wasn't and actualy encouraged my special intrests. My phytracist says I get my special intrest in animals from her and I think he is right. My mother was never upset with my lack of intrest in making friends and is that way herself. She is always telling me to be myself and not change myself for no one. She's one of my idols too and I love her. Sure we've had our hard times but then there is no such thing as a perfect parent.
How did your LFAer biological mom get pregnant with you? Was she raped? 8O

My Blog: My Autistic Life

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12 Dec 2009, 2:55 am

Odin wrote:
How did your LFAer biological mom get pregnant with you? Was she raped? 8O

8O Oooooh, I hope not! I didn't think of that...


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12 Dec 2009, 1:51 pm

I was diagnosed after my five year old. I have to kids, one HFA one NT, we think. Their father is NT. He's clever and rational, and does like his books, but he likes chit chat and cold talk and is pretty smooth. He's also been known to learn the names and faces of several hundred students in one semester. He's great to lean on in any social situation and he helps me alng sometimes and signals when I've bee talking for too long or strayed rom the topic.

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12 Dec 2009, 2:52 pm

Hmmm - that's really interesting, I'm hearing from a lot of people diagnosed after their child. What about people who were diagnosed independently - any more of you guys have data to share?

12 Dec 2009, 4:03 pm

No kids here yet but I'm already diagnosed. I was 12 when I got it. My parents took me there for testing and all. Mostly my mother.

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13 Dec 2009, 12:39 pm

Well, Spokane_Girl, let me know when you have a kid ;).

How about others that were diagnosed as a child/teen: do you have children, and do they have AS?


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13 Dec 2009, 2:34 pm

Three kids here. One diagnosed with "Autistic Disorder" (15 years old), the other has a mix of many things (ASC-traits, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia) and is not diagnosed with anything (16 years old). The youngest one is too young (5 years). We parents are not diagnosed with anything, but none of us are NT. This is exactly the problem. Not being diagnosed does not mean NT.

I score 150/50 on Aspie-quiz and my wife score a little lower but still "very likely Aspie". Our diagnosed daughter also scored "very likely Aspie" a while ago.


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13 Dec 2009, 2:43 pm

MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
I don't consider the Aspie Quiz anywhere near valid for judging things so I won't be saying anything about that but my ex (their dad) is NT.

Maybe not, but only using diagnosis is even less valid because there are still many parents (and children) that are undiagnosed. Few of these have failed the diagnostic process, but rather has not been evaluated at all. So, some other criteria than formal diagnosis is clearly needed for this issue.

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14 Dec 2009, 11:50 am

rdos wrote:
MishLuvsHer2Boys wrote:
I don't consider the Aspie Quiz anywhere near valid for judging things so I won't be saying anything about that but my ex (their dad) is NT.

Maybe not, but only using diagnosis is even less valid because there are still many parents (and children) that are undiagnosed. Few of these have failed the diagnostic process, but rather has not been evaluated at all. So, some other criteria than formal diagnosis is clearly needed for this issue.

Right, rdos, that's why I was asking about Aspie quiz: I thought it might be a good proxy when there's no diagnosis. But I think that a lot of the time, the partners of people on here haven't taken the Aspie quiz, so maybe I'm not going to get many responses about that...

Thanks for your reply, by the way!


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14 Dec 2009, 12:07 pm

What do you need the research for? And you are aware that, without sufficient controls and development of consistent questioning process, that what information you do glean from these questions will not necessarily be useful or bias-free, yes? I was unofficially dx'd after my son was dx'd as HFA. His mother did not exhibit any spectrum traits upon looking back; those appear to come from my side of the family exclusively.


My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.

For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

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14 Dec 2009, 4:12 pm

makuranososhi wrote:
What do you need the research for? And you are aware that, without sufficient controls and development of consistent questioning process, that what information you do glean from these questions will not necessarily be useful or bias-free, yes? I was unofficially dx'd after my son was dx'd as HFA. His mother did not exhibit any spectrum traits upon looking back; those appear to come from my side of the family exclusively.

I happen to study probability, so yes, I'm aware. I realize this evidence is anecdotal at best... On the other hand, I've looked through many scientific journals and it's hard to find much research, simply because people old enough to be parents often aren't diagnosed. There are many sibling comparison studies, but not so many comparisons with parents (although there are a few.)

So, I'm not using the data for much other than my own curiosity, and the curiosity of others. I was just thinking it'd be nice to have a list like this compiled, where

a) A lot of people contributed, so that all the information could be found in one place


b) People noted some of the more glaring factors that bias this stuff.

For example, given how many people who replied were diagnosed after their children, I'd say the chance of having an AS kid if you have AS is somewhat overestimated on WrongPlanet. I keep seeing threads where people ask how children of AS parents turn out... but neglect to ask about important biasing factors. Therefore, I think they get the wrong sense of things - I thought that might be useful to rectify.

I hope that explains what I'm trying for here! :)


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15 Dec 2009, 2:39 pm

1) How many children do you have, and what conditions do they have?
son, 13 years: NVLD (probably AS, currently under reassessment)
daughter, 8 years: NT, ADHD with IQ of 130

2) Is the father(s) of your children NT?
unknown, but probably. he may have a personality disorder (histrionic or narcissistic). he thrives in social situations. in fact, he can't stand not being around people and getting a lot of attention.

3) Did you get diagnosed before or after your child?
technically, either independently of or before. my son was dx'd NVLD and it never occurred to me that I might have a PDD. it was after discovering an AS sibling that I went in for assessment and found that I have AS. if it turns out that my son is actually AS, then officially I will have been dx'd before him and my dx will have led to his, but as it stands now the two are not related.


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26 Aug 2016, 7:42 pm

Our son is diagnosed with autism, our daughter with aspergers, and my husband and myself both come out as aspies on online quizzes. My father is very much "on the spectrum" as is my husband's father. My father's grandfather was the guy in the coal mine who was called in to fix anything. My mother's grandfather had the complete old testament memorized, which would have been a lofty goal in his community. Delving further, my female ancestors on my mother's side have all had very special and unusual talents (one could look at any piece of clothing in a store and go home to reproduce it exactly, another was a healer, and so forth.

I think it's fair to say that we came by our autism honestly.