ssenkrad wrote:
I'm wondering, for people that stay at home and don't work, how do you sustain yourself? I don't mean it in an offensive way at all, I'm just curious. Like, how do you get money to pay bills/rent/utilities/buy food?
No offence taken here, I'd rather be ask that here than
anywhere else.
I edit video, I own my own little video studio
that I get a $20USD here or a $10 there, it does not
pay enough to live on but it is the only job that
I can do without boogering up the whole thing
and getting fired, don't worry, I won't fire myself,
I will just sit and beanhatch about it for a minute
or so, then correct whatever error was made and
do business as usual.
I also have to be on disability, for the above reason
and I tried other jobns but I stink at them so terribly
that I just get fired and I can't take care of myself
I guess, like growedups do, so I live with my brother
who takes good care of me, ie if I frogget to brush
ymy fur or ooops! skip a shower he remind me.
Jons that I wood be good at I am blocked from
because poopyface employers won't pull their
heads out of their butts to realise I'm a good
worker if they just let me be.
I have tantrums if peolple are mean to me so that
will get me fired, I have not found the controller
for this yet, so I am still disabled and I still need
a nap in the daytime so I can't work longer than
6 hours anyway unless I take a nap whci I can
do here at home.
A Boy And His Cat
When society stops expecting
too much from me, I will
stop disappointing them.