This is cool seeing others with the same general functioning as myself- I've never actually met anyone like this in almost 23 years! I'm gifted with a pencil and "creative" definitely fits the bill, and despite every other bodily function I do being right handed, somehow drawing and writing are limited exclusively to my left hand. Even more interesting (to me, anyway) is that like others in this thread, I understand mechanical/creative engineering function with the best of them, while my math skills and the various intangibles in general absolutely suck. I supercharged my car with no prior skillset and taught myself how to program the ECU literally on a whim, and yet even after living in the same small town for 15 years I can't get from one side to the other in a straight line to save my life :p Seriously, you can tell me to go 1 mile and turn left, then 4 towns later I'll need to fill up again as I ask for new directions lol