dddhgg wrote:
In my country, digital clocks use the 24-hour system, so 1:00 pm becomes 13:00. I am obsessed with interesting patterns in the times, such as 12:34, 11:11, 22:22, 23:32, etc. For times later than about 1 pm, I also like relating them to years in history, such as 13:47 (Great Plague in Europe), 19:55 (my Mom's birth year), 18:15 (Napoleon defeated), and so on.
For a few months, I was noticing that every time I looked up at a digital clock, it said, "3:33" or "4:44" or something like that. It was weird. I like that, though.
I do the thing with the years, too. I was at the store buying something, and the total price came to $19.46, which is Alan Rickman's birth year. I didn't say anything to anyone, because I know better, but inside, I was like, "Wheeeeeee-heee!! ! Oh boy!! !" Heh heh! (Thank goodness for WP, where I can say things like that and people will understand, and not say, "There there, we'll just put you in this nice padded room." )
I'm not totally obsessed with time or dates, but I do notice those little things and get a kick out of it.
But now that this topic has come up, I have seem to have a recurring image in my mind of David Tennant's Doctor Who describing a "great big, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey thing."