Oculus wrote:
Do you have plans for collecting sufficient responses for a statistically viable dataset, or is this more for fun?
I'm not a statistician, but I used to work with one. He used to say a dataset with fewer than 200 points in any given segment was nonviable as a tool for characterizing a human population. That was at a business intelligence shop, though, and I don't know if his assumptions would be accurate in a medical context -- I'm guessing not, because those little fold-out papers that come with prescription drugs cite far smaller populations in the studies which measure frequencies of the drugs' side-effects.
Anyway, this is a cool poll
thanks for coming up with it.
Yes I want to collect enough data for a statistically viable dataset. I'll not draw any conclusion before at least 200-300 replies. Obviously the dataset will be biased:
- Introverted are more common on the net (Ixxx)
- Intuitive are more commone on the net (xNxx)
- Rationals are more common on the net (xNTx)
On wrong planet we will have an higher % of:
- Intelligent people
- High functioning (Subclinical/Asperger) people
- People with low IQ will tend to "not reply" to this post.
So obviously the data gathered will be biased, and I'll need further studies on the general population (I'll need to access to medical reports and probably I'll need to ask some psychologist / psychiatrist to help me in the testing process but I prefer to have some preliminary data, probably with
RDOS permission, I'll do an intermediate step putting some question on the Aspie quiz if he wish).
What's the aim?
My gut instinct and anecdotical data suggest me that:
IxTx are more frequent in the spectrum than in the general population.
INTx tend to cluster to the higher end of the spectrum (Aspie/subclinical)
ISxx tend to cluster to the lower end of the spectrum (Kanner's Autism)
High intelligence tend to lower (from a statistical Point of view and while growing up) the impairment.
xxFx tend to have a more "severe" diagnosis than xxTx.
Obviosly that kind of "opinion" can be confuted by the research but I'm pretty sure that there is a relationship between "position in the spectrum" - Intelligence - Personality.
Some hypothetical explanation:
High intelligence people can have less severe impairment (especially at adult age) because they could be better at creating a "theory of mind" from a purely conceptual point of view.
ISxx personality could tend to have more severe DX because their primary imput device is Sensing, but sensing is "mixed-up" in autism (Intense world syndrome), so basically the personality preference tend toward something that doesn't always works properly.
The same hold for IxFx because we tend to have "empathy problems" so using Feeling as our primary output source will tend to give dissonant outcome.
But only with enough data we can build a systematic and coherent theory.
Planes are tested by how well they fly, not by comparing them to birds.