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02 Feb 2010, 10:52 am

I often don't get what people are saying to me, and I do tend to just say "OK" rather than to keep asking for a repeat or clarification. I got through my school days like that....mostly I wouldn't know what the teacher was on about, so I'd just make an intelligent guess or work it out from the textbooks later. If the person concerned takes a lot of trouble to assure me that they don't mind repeating or clarifying, then I probably can admit I'm lost, but they really would have to work on that reassurance, and if they showed the slightest sign of impatience then I'd just go back into "OK" mode. One or two of the teachers would say that they didn't mind being interrupted for clarification, but they said so in an impatient tone and were generally of too intimidating a disposition to encourage me to interrupt.

I don't know why I'm like that - possibly I just had one too many of the Big People getting nasty or facetious about my ignorance.

But to answer the original question literally, most of my responses are probably too long rather than short. I try to be as clear and complete as possible, probably because I hate unclear replies to my own questions, and I tend to finish up with too many words, which is odd, because I don't like overlong replies to my questions, as they take a long time to absorb and they often mask their own clarity.


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02 Feb 2010, 11:28 am

Are most of your responses short?

Ya (thats a short-enough response for ya :D )


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02 Feb 2010, 12:09 pm

variable. Usually, if my head is getting behind the conversation, responses tend to be either a verbal "I don't know" when someone asks me a question, or a non-verbal head-nod. I was practically kicking myself after my mom left my house after she gave me the perfect opportunity to tell her I have Asperger's. I haven't had another oportunity like that since, and haven't figured out how to bring up the topic with her.


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02 Feb 2010, 12:26 pm

Not all the time actually.... I tend to write like an essay when the question really opens right in my eyes and I tend to answer them in the longest answer possible... easier for me to give out an explainable answer.

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02 Feb 2010, 1:13 pm

Yes. (Haha short response.)

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02 Feb 2010, 5:35 pm

pensieve wrote:
What mathgirl said. My processing is so slow that sometimes I just stare or even say 'what'. That really pisses my sister off.

This is me too. Someone can tell me something when they are sitting right next to me and even though I've heard it, I'll still say "What?" or "Huh?". It's like my brain at times initially doesn't understand that the sentence actually has meaning to it. A lot of the time I will also say "oh ok" if I can't think of a response. People, even online, tell me that I say it too much.

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03 Feb 2010, 7:16 am


I often miss what people are saying and more often than not I spend half my life just saying "cool" or "that's really good" :lol: :oops:

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03 Feb 2010, 11:41 am

That is me. If my boyfriend is asking a question and I'm engaged in reading or anything else that is distracting my brain, I respond with "what?" or "huh?". It can get so bad sometimes where I say it almost 10 times before I actually processed what he asked. Then he gets upset and says that I'm never listening to him. Maybe I don't care to sometimes LOL. Usually my answers are short. I say "oh, ok" the most or "that's cool" or "uh huh" or "that's nice".


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03 Feb 2010, 12:17 pm

Yup;, in fact the word yup is all I use when answering someone for thanking me for something. I usually always give one word responses and then walk away.


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03 Feb 2010, 12:33 pm

When I saw the title of this thread I thought to myself "yay! finally someone else"

I have trouble with expressing the thoughts in my head. Group discussions and me just don't mix well. By the time I formulate the words to respond to something the discussion has already moved on to something else. If I manage to say anything, it's usually very short. Like someone else said, I don't know how to elaborate. I would make a horrible novel writer. When I've had to give any speeches for a class my speeches were usually too short. Usually my stuff is straight and to the point, no unnecessary BS.


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03 Feb 2010, 3:33 pm

When dealing with people face to face, yes... my answers are generally short... unless someone asks me of something which I happen to be overly interested in... then I sometimes need to be told to shut up. Online, however, I tend to ramble on more than I need to. The contrast in my written and spoken word amuses me.

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03 Feb 2010, 3:36 pm


(You cannot get any shorter of a response than that!)


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03 Feb 2010, 3:51 pm

In most cases yes.

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03 Feb 2010, 5:00 pm

^^ That is absolutely correct :lol:

(ah... shortest general autistic discussion speech ever :lol:)

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03 Feb 2010, 5:12 pm

isnessofwhatis wrote:
I have trouble with expressing the thoughts in my head. Group discussions and me just don't mix well. By the time I formulate the words to respond to something the discussion has already moved on to something else. If I manage to say anything, it's usually very short. Like someone else said, I don't know how to elaborate. I would make a horrible novel writer. When I've had to give any speeches for a class my speeches were usually too short. Usually my stuff is straight and to the point, no unnecessary BS.

I`ll 2nd that. By the time i work out a good enough answer the opportunity is usually far gone.

It`s interesting how people just expect you to say more on just about any question asked. For me questions are pretty specific (literal in that sense), anything but a short precise answer is not needed. I`ll use an obvious example (and probably not really a fit one) just to show what i mean: a person asks you if you have a watch, clear answer is either yes or no, but we all know it implies that you tell the person what time it is as well. Now i would say it`s a stupid question then, why can`t he just ask properly, but generally people just accept it as the same. Which is fine except in similar situations the person asking would get a feeling you are not too chatty or weird or something similar and moves on, even though technically you didn`t do anything wrong. Like being on different wavelengths. I guess we see different purpose of the questions in the first place.


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03 Feb 2010, 5:25 pm

Yeah, I do this a lot. Unless I know the person a lot, my conversations last really short and what I say are very short sentences/responses.

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