I didn't vote because I believe that my daughter and I have learning disabilities, but no one believes me. I don't dare discuss it too closely with her because she is better off believing she's fine until I can get someone to tell me how I can help her. She knows she has trouble staying focused and remembering things, but she has been treated for so long like her problems are 100% due to a personal failing that she now resents any attempts to interfere with her business. She is overwhelmed with all the things she is expected to remember in school or to memorize for school, all the papers she is supposed to organize or keep up with, all the assignments that take her so long to finish when she keeps being distracted by her own thoughts, and the pressure of being told how smart she is right before being told how much she is disappointing everyone. She finds public school boring and frustrating, is teased IN CLASS by other students but is afraid to leave it because she loves her friends, perhaps because they are few. And while we are seeing a psychologist, he does not like the idea of labeling her so has not been willing to consider learning disability as yet. We are still in the early stages with her, mind you, so I have some dim hope... but I personally have been living with it for years and I think I might not have AS but simply be someone who is different enough from people around me, who has suffered for so long as someone who shows too much intelligence for anyone to think I might have a problem outside of my own attitude, who has spent so many years being found sub-par and unacceptible, that I have so very many different little stims because of the stress alone.
I guess this isn't what the thread was about. I just never thought I'd feel jealous of someone with an actual diagnosis and a family member who has found a way to understand how it feels to be this way. Executive dysfunction just seems to be met with a roll of the eyes. I could live with it... if I just thought that the people around me were willing to accept it. And now my daughter is going down the same road.
"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.
The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.
There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.