CockneyRebel wrote:
There are no two aspies alike.
This is true, I've met plenty and am friends with a couple. And all of them are different, yes there are obviously similarities because we share the traits that require us to be classed as aspies but personality wise we are all unique.
When it comes to "types" of aspies I have a few categories I've noticed.
The "hollywood classic"-the classic stereotype that you would find in films, hence the name.
The "geek chic"- usually a female, the aspie you wouldn't suspect at first because they don't have the unusual gait or monotone voice that makes aspies visible. They usually have a group of friends.
The "autist artist"- the eccentric artist type. They are usually very talkative and passionate about their interests. They are usually creative and imaginative.
The "aspergian"- the type that is very positive about their aspiedom and tend to think themselves higher than "NT"s, are usually found on internet forums.
The "shy guy"- the type that's extremely quiet and hardly ever speaks. They are intelligent but people treat them like they're little kids.
The "hardcore aspie"- the one that is obviously disabled and sometimes had to go in special ed in school. They are like the hollywood classic but even MORE concentrated. They are usually quiet and don't have friends.
What film do atheists watch on Christmas?
Coincidence on 34th street.