skahthic wrote:
I can reach the stuff on the top shelf, I know why the earth is round, I know how to make great paper airplanes... kids look on in awe and can't wait to get big themselves ( though not old. I echo THOSE sentiments, too). My nieces think I am so cool--- they're only 4, but I don't care. I enjoy it now because when they're 16 I won't seem cool anymore... I'll just be another strange person to them, the way I am to so many other "bigs".
I never liked kids (even when I was one), yet somehow my train wreck of a career has led me to working with teenagers. They're actually very likable and ridiculously funny. And, like being able to reach the top shelf, there are some things that the kids admire that are so mundane for adults - it's kind of fun. And, as is demonstrated by my score on the EIQ test, their lack of emotional maturity suits my low EIQ

- I don't go a day without a belly laugh at work - and I don't always have much control over it. For example, I might find a drawing or something that another adult would turn the kids in for but sometimes, if the drawing's funny, I can't not laugh hysterically, even if it's crude. I should qualify that I work with good kids so their shenanigans are pretty harmless.
But on the topic of asexuality, I am not asexual but I don't like touch, so that's sort of a hurdle. I do like sexiness, though - like cool boots or outfits that are just right, nice hair - things that are understated but super sexy. I enjoy being femme (I'm bi - which I suppose negates asexuality), and I appreciate and admire both sexes - I just don't really want to touch them.