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What Diagnoses Do You Have Along With Your ASD, Of The Ones Listed?
An Anxiety Disorder 19%  19%  [ 15 ]
A Mood Disorder 9%  9%  [ 7 ]
AD/HD 10%  10%  [ 8 ]
None of the above 15%  15%  [ 12 ]
Anxiety Disorder and Mood Disorder 18%  18%  [ 14 ]
Anxiety Disorder and AD/HD 6%  6%  [ 5 ]
Mood Disorder and AD/HD 5%  5%  [ 4 ]
Anxiety Disorder, Mood Disorder, and AD/HD 15%  15%  [ 12 ]
I don't have an ASD, but i have one or more of the above 3%  3%  [ 2 ]
I don't have an ASD or any of the above 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 80


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07 Mar 2010, 9:43 am

I have been diagnosed with ADHD and PDD-NOS but I am not sure if they can exist together, because of overlap.


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07 Mar 2010, 11:07 am

I couldn't vote because I have Tourettes, although that comes with a bit of AD/HD. I have been told that if I was in America, I would probably be diagnosed with PDD-NOS because I am not quite AS enough... weird...

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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07 Mar 2010, 12:03 pm

Anxiety disorder - OCD
Mood disorder - Bipolar NOS
ADHD - both hyperactive and unattentive symptoms

I'm planning on studying neurology just so I can research myself!


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07 Mar 2010, 12:39 pm

I have been diagnosed with OCD, NOS, and Agoraphobia.

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07 Mar 2010, 12:45 pm

I was diagnosed with ADHD and mood disorder


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07 Mar 2010, 12:54 pm

I get depression off-and-on, also anxiety.


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07 Mar 2010, 4:07 pm

I had OCD and depression in my teens, but not anymore. I now have two additional diagnosis, Tourette's and trichotillomania. None of them affect me as much as AS though.


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07 Mar 2010, 4:32 pm

Over the years:
Dx of depression

No Dx of A/S though; 1992 year was too little too early for me ,as these symptoms didnt respond to drugs......A/S wasn't on the books then.

The meds worked about as well as the advice.

To add to the poll : sleep disorder/sleep paralysis; this is my self dx here on this and it doesn't need a 'good doctor' to tell me I had phenomenal bouts of this.
I bet I could make the record book ( if there was one) on some of the things I have experienced with sleep paralysis. :lol:

Last edited by Mdyar on 13 Mar 2010, 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Mar 2010, 4:50 pm

Don't forget a tic disorder, too!

I have GAD, OCD, and a tic disorder. And autism. Duh.

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07 Mar 2010, 9:39 pm

In addition to AS, I've been given diagnoses of ADD, mild OCD and Tourette's.
"Mild" meaning I only exhibit significant symptoms of OCD and Tourette's under duress; either by way of illness, being overtired, or under mental/emotional stress.
I also have had significant problems with mood disorder; anxiety, panic attacks, claustrophobia, and depression. Though now it is greatly reduced, I still have trouble with those troubles from time to time but it's generally due to biochemical imbalances.

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07 Mar 2010, 9:43 pm

I never was diagnosed with any of the above.

I have been diagnosed with dysgraphia, which is a common comorbid trait. I'd go so far as to say I believe I would be diagnosed with developmental dyspraxia if I sought a diagnosis.


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08 Mar 2010, 7:11 pm

On an unrelated note...
Firebird, psychotic symptoms do not occur during hypomania. Only individuals who are bipolar I become psychotic. Hypomania is not a psychotic state. Mania can be. Also, it doesn't sound as if you were diagnosed correctly. In schizoaffective disorder, the person also must experience psychotic symptoms when their mania or depression has been treated. If you only get psychotic symptoms while manic, you are simply bipolar I, not schizoaffective. Furthermore, your delusions are indicative of mania only, as they are mood congruent and of a grandiose nature. If you hear voices or have delusions when you aren't in a high period, then yes, you are schizoaffective. But if you honestly only have the psychotic symptoms when you're in a high period, you definitely need to tell you doctor this, because you have most likely been given the wrong diagnosis.

I know that psychotic symptoms do not occur during hypomania, its just that my symptoms were not severe enough to put me in the hospital during the high periods, and absolutely no risk taking behavior. I also believe things like the FBI and aliens being after me, they call those delusions but I believe 100% that its reality not fake at all. I have thought insertion which is thoughts coming from the outside but they are not audible. Also, I get the FBI/Alien belief at both times both high and low and even in the middle. I don't really think I have been so high that it would be classified as mania, only the grandiose delusion part of it could be a manic symptom. I truly miss those delusions, I felt as if I had a bright future and change the world forever. It was great!


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08 Mar 2010, 9:50 pm

OCD and AS.

I personally find the OCD more debilitating then the AS. (would that make the AS comorbid to the OCD?)


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09 Mar 2010, 2:10 am

Let's see... Bipolar, anxiety, very mild ocd (better described as a perfectionist in some things), ADD, auditory processing delay, and an undeveloped /underdeveloped Vestibular, which causes balance and coordination problems.
It's a very common comorbidity in Aspies.

It's the depressive states in the Bipolar that affects me most,
followed by the anxiety.

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10 Mar 2010, 7:17 am

Since the psychiatrists in Sioux Falls are a load of idiots, they really can't seem to agree on what's wrong with me. Every year when I get reevaluated, the only thing that is consistent is ADHD, which makes sense, but my diagnosis on autism changes each year (literally) between AS and PPD-NOS. This is the first time I've been diagnosed with AS twice in a row.

I also suspect some anxiety and mood disorders, but I try really hard not to let it show when they reevaluate me so they don't stick any more labels on me.

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13 Mar 2010, 10:36 pm

Bipolar, ADHD, possibly some OCD.