Moog wrote:
I'm a bit jealous. I'd like a better memory. Are there downsides to having Eidetic Memory?
Yes, you can recall every detail about every experience in your life...Like the time your mother was having a major break with reality and decided that spiders had laid eggs in your arm...and she needed to slice your arm open to get them out. The feel as the piece of glass she used sliced through your skin, the smell of your own blood hot and wet as it ran down your arm and dripped on your shoe, her telling you it was for your own good....and it would all be over soon.
However, you can also recall things like when your wife-to-be walked into your field of view, how the sunlight came through the skylights of the hallway, illuminating her, seeing her face light up as well, knowing that you would be able to see it for the rest of your life every morning. How that single tear formed from her opaline green eye...and ran down her cheek, how her flowers smelled, how that one strand of hair was laying across her cheek...
There are two sides to everything, and sometimes, As said best in a Dr. Who Episode "One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel"