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18 Mar 2010, 9:25 am

Magicfly wrote:
I have an uncanny ability to side swipe door frames as I walk through them!

I'm always covered in bumps and bruises, half the time I don't even know what I've banged into....I'm also a dab hand at burning/scolding/cutting myself when I'm in the kitchen......

So far, I've hurt my toe today by kicking out my legs while trying to take some trousers off, and misjudging where my foot was so my toe was bent under my foot as I accidentally scuffed the floor.

My partner has told me I'm not clumsy, but I am cack-handed, which I take to mean low-level clumsiness rather than all-out uncoordinated, I can catch a ball, but, I was older than average at learning certain skills, such as riding a bicycle (I was 7, but had been trying and failing from the age of 5), swimming (I was 11) and rollerskating (I was 12)

I'm exactly the same. I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia last year. It's pretty common to see Dyspraxia/ASD's go together.


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18 Mar 2010, 9:32 am

@magicfly- I still can't ride a bike! I tried to learn again a few years ago but I can't seem to get it. My daughter just got on her bike and rode it when she was 7. I didn't have to teach her. I was not sure I could anyway since I didn't learn it myself. Another child told her how to start off pushing with her foot, and she just rode it. I was utterly amazed and impressed with her for that!


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18 Mar 2010, 10:06 am

@pumibel: I can't ride a bike either! My dad tried to teach me, when I was 6 or 7 just like any other child, but I was terrible at it, so I sent him inside giving myself time to learn it on my own. I never quite got it at stopped trying.
I did go biking a few times with my parents and class-mates during my childhood. Last time was 6 years ago.

I was never good at sports - especially not when it came to ballgames. I ducked when it came at me, didn't have the guts to tackle anyone (I would probably have been the one with my face in the ground anyhow :eye: ), couldn't catch even when I tried, and I got dizzy when running. Never picked last though. But I know that's only because I've always been a kind person.

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18 Mar 2010, 10:22 am

Yes, it seems to be quite a common trait but of course there are many say athletes who have Aspergers but without this problem. i couldn't catch a ball when i was at school, probably still can't now ...just that i don;t tend to join in ball games anymore!

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18 Mar 2010, 10:30 am

Yes, I'm terribly clumsy. I was horrible at sports, and disliked most physical activities (except hiking and bike riding.) As a child, I recieved treatment for some sort of visual focusing issue - I had basically no depth perception, and, despite being able to read at a young age, I had a really hard time learning to write. I also couldn't drive a car until I turned 30. I did study music, and could play a few instruments, but that was something I was highly motivated to do and worked long and hard at, and I still never had the super-fast fingers that some people develop. These days, I'm just really klutzy, and I break and drop things all the time.


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18 Mar 2010, 10:57 am

Anything that you can train by repeating the same motion over and over, I can get good at, but never great.

Running is something I learned to like, I can count my foot fall pace, or time my miles, assocate numbers with it. Karate has kata and I can do them till my body learns the movement and can do it without my brain telling the limbs to go this way or that. I will never be a champ fighter since I can't adapt quickly enough. I get into routines of the same combos in sparing and don't even realize it, a good challenger picks up on this, then I pick myself off the ground.

Doing both allows me to go from being clumsly to being above average in phyicial stuff, but I will never be a great in anything that requires hand eye coord. I think I started at a lower bar, but can raise it to the same distance from starting point as most people. The naturals just started a lot higher then I did on the scale. Most of the natural physical people from high school are fat slobs in their 30's and now I am faster and stronger then they are.


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18 Mar 2010, 12:21 pm

Yeah, still can't ride a bike here.. but when I was little, I just didn't care to learn and I couldn't get my balance. Still don't have any interest in learning it.


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18 Mar 2010, 5:14 pm

I used to be very clumsy, which was very comical to me when I read that because it was so typical.
But I went to a baseball club (never played contests, hated the game itself) and just threw balls over.
I loved doing that, I still massively love throwing balls.
I am now moderately good at games that involve throwing things at people (love that) and it is such a gratifying feeling when I hit someone in the foot when they jump.

But I understand why I would not choose someone who is bad at throwing in my team - I want to assemble the best team I can - but maybe for others who do it it has social implications.
I doubt it does, that would be dumb.
Of course it is not nice when one does not get picked (I think, for some it may be liberating) and autistics in a specific study showed they did not care about intention but I am going to throw that out the window because it may very well be every autistic except those (and me) do care about intention.
But from what I have heard is that most kids are as*holes, so maybe I am wrong and they just want to make your life horrible because they are stupid like that.


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28 Jul 2010, 6:29 am

I've always liked to do sports, but I've given up liking it because I'm so bad at it - even though I liked it.

when I was 13 I went to my cousins to stay the night, and her friends knocked round and asked to play football in the field nearby. I was very reluctant because of the embarrassment of my bad football skills (even though I'm a girl - but my cousin is aswell!) Her friends didn't know me that well, and that made me feel even more ashamed because - you know what kids are - they'd probably think I'm a waste of time, and would probably laugh at me or something. My cousin and her friends were only 10, so me being older would be expected to have more ''talent'' at things. Usually 10 year olds think 13 year olds a really big and cool, but I acted like such a dumb p**** when I was playing football with them. I was just so crap at it.

I'm 20 now and they're 17 - hopefully they've forgotten about it by now!

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28 Jul 2010, 6:35 am

I have excellent hand to eye coordination and fine motor skills but poor gross motor skills. I'm ambidextrous is gifted in the arts and play the piano. Computer games (fps, rtrs) is also something I'm quite good at. However my walk in a weir manner and I pretty much suck at dancing, football etc.


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28 Jul 2010, 7:00 am

Katatonic wrote:
My HE coordination is pretty good I guess. I play guitar, bass, and drums soooo......yeah. But I could NEVER throw a ball strait. Like in basketball, most people stand directly in front of the hoop and throw it. I'd have to take a step to my right if I wanted any chance of hitting the damned thing. And football? My "spiral" looks more like a pancake being shot out of a cannon.

I guess its up to how severe your Autism/AS is? I don't know....

I think things like playing a musical instrument or drawing/painting is a different kind of thing. I have good eye/hand coordination with drawing but in a larger spatial sense like sports I am really dyspraxic. I also walk into door frame constantly.

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28 Jul 2010, 12:14 pm

^^The same here, I've great fine motricity (calligraphy, arts, origami), but I couldn't ever catch a ball or givin' the ball to someone else (at soccer) and I suck horribly at tennis, volley, etc. I also crash all the time w/ walls, and all sort of things


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28 Jul 2010, 2:21 pm

I'm okay at sports that involve only my hands and eyes so hand-eye coordination isn't a problem. I can beat a lot of people pretty easily at foosball for instance. I suck at anything that involves precise full-body movement though.


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28 Jul 2010, 3:04 pm

I am ambidextrous and well coordinated as far as running and dancing and swimming and things like that go. Not very good at team sports (especially ones that involve throwing objects) and don't care for them, but I like tennis. I can't play video games because I cannot operate the controller. Not even a Wii controller. It's totally ridiculous and it drives me to fits. I also walk into doors and walls constantly. But maybe that isn't a coordination problem. :roll: :lol:
I play musical instruments for a living, but I play them with my eyes closed.


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28 Jul 2010, 6:10 pm

auntblabby wrote:
and don't even ask about slaughterball/dodgeball in PE, which was just an excuse to commit assault against the physically ungifted. am so glad that PE is not too popular in schools these days, but this development was decades too late to help me.

Thank you. If you ask me, dodgeball should be banned; that isn't a team encourages a very dangerous mob mentality. (Personally I am not a fan of forced participation in team sports by schools, anyway, but dodgeball is particularly bad.)

My coordination is awful. I'm not too bad a driver, but I am also conservative because I know my ability to judge distances and speeds, not to mention my reaction time, isn't the best.

Is this common with people with just ADHD?

Official diagnosis: ADHD, synesthesia. Aspie quiz result (unofficial test): Like Frodo--I'm a halfling? ;) 110/200 NT, 109/200 Aspie.


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28 Jul 2010, 6:24 pm

My hand/eye coordination is awful, as anyone who's had the misfortune of playing a sport with me. I can catch well, I can ride a bike without any problem but anything beyond that leaves me looking like a jellyfish with rabies.

I'm learning the guitar at the moment... unsurprisingly, the theoretical side of it is intuitive to me, but the physical act of playing the guitar is a lot harder. Maybe constant practice will improve my general hand/eye coordination as well as my guitar playing ability?

"Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig."