I can't really because everybody's different. Lately I keep on suspecting AS in everyone I meet, which is going a bit over the top. But I think it's because I've socially improved, and so I've been able to fit in better and be more accepted and understood, and I keep thinking ''oh they're understanding me, perhaps they're Aspies too'' - which they are not, it's probably me just thinking that because I've socially improved but have not noticed it myself. Also I think being a member on WP makes me more aware of AS because even typical human traits seem to be defined as ''Aspie traits'' here, so it's getting hard to tell what is and what isn't. It's like when you have the creeps in the dark, and everything you see seems to be the shape of some morbidly hideous ghost or something like that. It's the same with AS - because it's on my mind, everyone seems to turn into Aspies. Or perhaps it's just me adapting to the NT world.
But let's think realistically - I don't think I am able to define another person on the spectrum, unless they flapped their hands a lot or something. But otherwise, I wouldn't be able to tell. I don't go jumping to conclusions straight away with people.