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Do you like Tea or Coffee?
I like Tea 28%  28%  [ 50 ]
I like Tea 28%  28%  [ 50 ]
I like Coffee 22%  22%  [ 40 ]
I like Coffee 22%  22%  [ 40 ]
Total votes : 180


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27 Dec 2004, 1:32 pm

I love Starbucks. But too far away and pretty damned expensive. There used to be a place nearby that sold Kenyan AA coffee. Closed down years ago. If I want to get fresh Kenyan AA whole bean, I have to mail order it, but the extra shipping charges add 50 percent to the cost. uatmalen is a decent substitute which I can get at a organic food store


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28 Dec 2004, 8:19 pm

Both!! :D

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.

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Tufted Titmouse

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01 Jan 2005, 1:17 pm

much prefer tea although will drink coffee if nothing else available


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01 Jan 2005, 1:22 pm

I really like tea but it just doesn't agree with me so I mainly drink coffee. My favourite teas are redbush (although I think this can be a little harsh), honey bush and wild strawberry and nettle tea (all with no sugar or milk).

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Jan 2005, 3:09 pm


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02 Jan 2005, 2:08 am

I like tea especially when i mix it my self.
mix alittle of this and alittle of that, put it in a tea ball and let soak,
or just get some specialty teas that are made close to what i like
for my mood, not to mention home made health broths.
but if there is nothing else of flavor to drink then i would settle for most any kind of flavored water, but all in all my favorite tea of all, is coffee.


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07 Jan 2005, 10:35 am

Both are fine. But I find I can't drink coffee in the mourning. My brain gets "fuzzy" and occasionaly dizzy. 8O I know its not the caffine cause this happens when i drink decaf but not regular tea? Has anyone else habe this problem?

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08 Jan 2005, 5:41 am

Asparval wrote:
Has to be Earl Grey ~ :roll:

Like Captain Picard :-D

I like coffee. I used to only drink the sweet stuff, but now I'm more accustomed to the taste of coffee. I like cappuchinos. I'm also into iced coffee lately, as I've been sick this week and hot coffee wouldn't feel good on a sore throat.

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15 Jan 2005, 11:18 am

Absolute_Zero wrote:
I like beer!..

And coffee flavoured coffee too.

"Doesn't anyone in this country drink a cup of coffee flavoured coffee anymore?, you go to a starbucks and you can get every other flavour except for coffee flavoured coffee!! !" There's cappuchino, frappachino, chocachino, mochachno!!..",

(Dennis Leary)

Oy, I was totally going to respond to you saying that you forgot "alpachino" but than I reread it and saw you already had it. None the less, you're completely right.

I'm not a big coffee fan, I'll take the occaisional frappachino or mochiatto (how hypocritical am I?) but I'm not that big a fan of coffee.

My family is huge on tea though. My older brother actually orders herbs offline to make his own teas. I think that we're probably the only family in the states that actually has a tea time.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Jan 2005, 8:17 pm

My tastes go with mood, but typically go with coffee, flavored with sweetened creamer. I don't like bitter edges. For me, coffee often demands a pastry of some sort, so when I want to diet, I cut out the coffee and along with it goes lots of other empty calories...

Meanwhile, I'm brewing a pot of hazlenut decaf (must drink decaf of my skin gets crawly and I can't sleep) to wash down a chocolate toffee tort that we brought home from my local Thai restaurant... (ok, a little caffeine in the chocolate may keep me up but my skin won't crawl).

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17 Jan 2005, 11:30 am

I don't like tea or coffee but I like either Hot chocolate or warm blackcurrent juice in the winter.


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17 Jan 2005, 3:52 pm

The smell of coffee makes me want to puke.

Am not too keen on tea either, but if I do drink it, it has to be strong, with no sugar.


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17 Jan 2005, 4:41 pm

I love the smell of coffee- I liked the smell long before I liked the taste of coffee. I like my tea strong too, without milk or sugar.

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17 Jan 2005, 11:23 pm

My Mom brought home a whole bunch of Coffee from the McDonald's that she works at. I loved the smell of it. I donated it to my Clubhouse. :D


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19 Jan 2005, 7:14 pm

Tea - strong, bit of milk, no sugar (as long as its not earl grey..... why anyone would do that to tea is beyond me)

I can't drink coffee anyway - it makes me feel decidedly unwell for some reason

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19 Jan 2005, 7:30 pm

I don't drink either... all though I haven't really tried to enjoy tea in the proper way. But I've never been compelled to try it anyways...

As for coffee, I every time I've tried it I didn't like it. And I don't really have the time in the morning to make it... or even drink it. I'd rather have the extra 15min of sleep.

As for the caffine, I don't think it affects me as much as most people. I can drink soda with caffine right before bed and it doesn't affect me. And I don't really notice it when I drink it during the day...