therange wrote:
Anyone else feel weird that NTs are on here giving advice on a subject they have no clue about?
Well that's a big assumption, isn't it? You know for a fact that every NT has no clue? What about parents of autistic children? They would have a lot of experience with it and come on here to better understand their child. Autism affects pretty much everyone. A friend of an autistic person might come on here to find out more about their friend. A sibling would do the same. And over time that learn a lot and can give advice.
Sometimes when I join a forum I don't know much then I learn and a few months later I can give advice to someone that was once in my shoes. Like in places like Yahoo Answers. I know so much about living healthy and losing weight I could just join Jenny Craig as a mentor.
I was also once pretty ignorant about Asperger's syndrome and autism but I've been here for two years, so yeah, I know a bit about it now.
I'm sure NT's are the same way.
I don't think it's weird at all. Like someone said they do have a right to be here. They're not all bullies or people that stereotype autism. They're actually wanting to learn more and help other people, whether autistic or NT.
That NT/AS hotline thread has been really helpful.