DemonAbyss10 wrote:
TheDeviantOne wrote:
I think it can be used as a cop out and excuse to knowingly treat people unfair, which is what majorities tend to do to minorities quite a bit. You could easily flat out treat someone unfairly and claim "life is unfair, get over it". Life is unfair largely because people make it so.
Yet you could also argue that nature is a cruel mistress. A good example of lfe not being fair would be stuff such as a stillbirth for example, that or not everyone being exact clones of one another. All in all, Fairness is a subjective thing, not an objective one. It all depends on viewpoints and all that other chaotic stuff that affects the universe.
Oh yes, mother nature can be quite crude indeed. While people are people, mother nature is another beast altogether that can get do just about anything and the only thing we can do is best prepare to deal with it, not stop it. Hurricanes, earthquakes, floors, and volcanoes are just some of the ways life can be unfair outside of our control. Then there is also the factor of wildlife. I hardly found it fair that on a farm, out of many kids, I was the only one to get stung by a bee.
The world is a very nice place, depending how well you fit in...
The Internet; human stupidity at its finest...