I really do feel for you - you have been treated appallingly.
But there is not just one solution. There is always an alternative. In the UK we have support workers. In my town there are at least about four agencies that I can go to for support filling in forms, tenancy issues, debt issues, bullying, harassment and many other problems.
Your problem would fall into harassment and debt (I know it's not your debt, but a debt expert could tell you where you stand legally).
If any similar services are available to you, I'm guessing you are not aware of them. You could start with your local library or even ask the staff at your Apartment Complex to see if they know of any support workers. If not, try social services - (not sure of the name of it where you are, but the welfare office would know who to call).
Lots of luck, and remember you are 1000 x better than these horrible bullies, so really - who deserves to die?