Callista wrote:
As far as I can tell--this isn't scientific; it's just based on online and real-life interactions with people--Aspies are about as happy as any minority group facing the amount of prejudice that we face.
I believe this is a big part of the reason for any possible (and as I said in my previous post, I personally believe Aspies/NLD-ers are generally unhappy people) disproportionate unhappiness among those with AS/NVLD.
It's just that this is only part of the reason in my case. My own unhappiness in life is far internally motivated. I have been treated quite shabbily, but not much worse than many other people with and without ASD. People who actually have gifts, talents, skills, *intelligences*, opposed to my nonexistent ones. My lack of these things is the chief reason for all my unhappiness in this world and nothing but my brain and whatever is ultimately responsible for creating it can be blamed for that.