Willard wrote:
Lisac57 wrote:
I believe this could be a first move on a long road to respectable, gainful employment, on the condition that I give off discreetly convincing airs of utter, unthreatening normality. Briefly, I want them to believe I'm just like everyone else
Ah, there's the rub. That 'briefly' part. Because if you achieve what you're suggesting, you'll remain employed only so long as the mask remains convincing.
what if, instead of attempting to put on a mask of normalcy, you instead try the mask of "deliberate eccentricity" and "odd humor"? this might work, for them and for you, until a more acceptable situation should come your way. you won't worry as much about being "discovered" as you will earn a reputation for being a little "off" but in an unthreatening way. worth a try ..
and in the meanwhile, recognize and heed your need for the comfort of solitude whenever you can manage it. (eat lunch in a park instead of somewhere you'll be expected to socialize, for example.)
Chronos wrote:
it's thought that many of those with AS/Autism have defective mirror neurons, neurons that fire and simulate within out brain the actions and emotions of others.
this is the first mention i've seen here of mirror neurons, a topic i've always found fascinating. thanks, Chronos! now i know what i'll spend the rest of my night reading about ...
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.