fudgepickle wrote:
I'm extremely sensitive to spicy food. My mouth can't stand it. I have to avoid capsaicin like the plague. I could never figure out why before. But I'm writing a paper on gluten-free, casein-free diet, and I got onto the subject of hypersensitivity. I was pondering intensified flavor, and it occurred to me. Maybe THAT'S why I can detect the minutest traces of spiciness. As a kid, I couldn't stand shirt tags either. Anybody else got this problem? Answer in the poll.
I HATED shirt tags when I was a kid....hate them to a somewhat lesser extent now. Capsaicin really doesn't bother me that much, but it's not like I can handle the Scoville units of a whole Habanero pepper or something. I'm pretty sure most people can't without considerable discomfort at least. Around 30,000-50,000 units are about all I can manage and that's roughly equivalent to a Cayenne pepper. I'm hypersensitive in some ways and not sensitive at all in others.