pschristmas wrote:
I like compliments, but I'm never quite sure what to do with them, so they make me a bit uncomfortable. I say thank you, of course, but that never quite seems adequate for some reason.
The other day someone complimented my ability at something. I said, "well, thank you." Then he very firmly said, "Well, it's true." I really wasn't sure how to respond to that.
This is definitely me. It's not that I don't like compliments, in fact, I love how they make me feel. I always think I'm this terrible failure in every aspect, so when someone compliments me in a way that seems unprovoked and genuine (ie: not a just-to-be-polite compliment) it gives some affirmation that I'm not as terrible as I think I am.
However, in another way I also hate compliments... I hate how they make me feel
socially. I feel like a compliment is a very personal thing, and so when someone other than my boyfriend it makes me very uncomfortable (really, even my mother complimenting me feels strange because she doesn't do it often so I'm not use to it). I feel like someone is being very personal with me in a way that is awkward. I don't know how to respond. I still can't figure out how to "take compliments" the right way. I usually just say "ok," which sometimes makes people angry.