CockneyRebel wrote:
I'm ignored, because of my accent.
english [i.e., of the british isles] accents are GREAT
as for me, i get the palpable impression from the bulk of my relatives that i make them uncomfortable at the least, and due to this they tend to not make eye contact with me nor include me in their discussions or social functions. most recently [today] i was at my sister's husband's brother's summer house, [now what is that called?] and i was in their backyard, and i walked by a table with sis's hubby's bro's children who were engaged in a typically animated adolescent discussion about whatever, and when i walked in front of their table at a rough distance of 15 feet, all their discussion stopped cold, until i was "safely" back inside the house, at which point i could see they started chatting again. in some ways, this is worse than just being ignored, as it pointedly made me feel like somebody to be feared. IOW, i would much prefer just being totally ignored than this treatment! if my sister weren't there, i'd have no reason to be there also, and when she leaves, i leave quickly behind her.
"many people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience." [gary larson]