LFO wrote:
I live in a quite chavvy area, and I'm often scared to leave my house in fear of being attacked. This has more or less has stopped me going out and doing things. If I do go out I need my parents with me, because im in danger if I go without them. I always need a family member or friend with me because I feel so threatened. Does anyone else have similar experiences?
I feel pretty much exactly the same as you. I don't trust people around here in London, and the statistics don't exactly help that either (over 200 phones are stolen every second in the UK, for example).
I live in an area often considered posh (the kind of place where the houses cost over a million pounds), and I feel relatively safe when I'm out here, which I guess is also because it's an area I know well. But I still rarely go out on my own, and prefer to stay inside.
Another reason for that is because I just don't have much reason to go out - NTs do it to hang out with their friends, but I have much more productive ways to spend my time.
ToughDiamond wrote:
Q: What do you call an Aspie with a machine gun?
A: Sir.