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22 May 2010, 12:07 pm

sinsboldly wrote:

I find it grounding to remember that they are only measuring those Aspies they know about.(i.e. those that have come to their attention through parental/school intervention) There are hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed Aspies that are absorbed by society in what ever capacity that they have found a niche. Of these, those employed are probably much higher.


Yes! I have the feeling that a vast number of Aspies are functioning just well enough, that they're unnoticed. Myself included for many years.



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22 May 2010, 12:40 pm

I've worked on and off for a family friend for the past 11 years. Prior to that, I worked at various unskilled and low-paying positions since I was 18. I only have an AA
degree in liberal arts. I even got fired from many of those jobs because of my inabilities
to run a cash register, executive functioning problems, visual-spatial deficits, poor motor
skills, etc.....The job with the family friend was in his small retail business and I was just a
lowly salesperson. But he was forced to lay me off over a year ago for good. Business is
not good and he can no longer afford to have any employees. I've been very depressed
since (though not because I was laid-off...I didn't want to work there anymore anyway) and haven't even looked for anything else.

In forty years....I haven't managed to aquire one skill. I'm virtually unemployable
and aside from this family friend, my work history is nonexistent for the past 11
years. I believe I have alot of learning and memory problems most people with
ASDs/NVLD don't have. ALL my IQ/neuropsychological tests don't indicate any
of this though. According to those results, i'm no different than millions of people
with NVLD/AS who have had infinitely more success than me. I believe these tests
have overlooked some very profound and debilitating things (maybe particularly
my long-term memory...which I believe is extremely impaired.)

I am still planning to go back to college to at least complete a BS/BA degree
in SOMETHING. I don't know what yet and god knows how all these is going
to work out. I can't say I hold out much hope, but I really have nothing to lose
by trying. Even if I get a degree in something....I don't know if i'll ever find and
keep a job related to my degree. But this point....I can either try or just
resign myself to bagging groceries or unemployment for the rest of my life. I'm
not quite prepared to accept such a fate yet even though I haven't done much
better for 40 years.

As far as financially supporting myself, i've never been able to that fully even
when I had a full time job. I never made enough money and i've depended on
my family either partially or wholly for all these years. All of this is terribly
embarrassing to admit but it is my reality and wrongplanet is about the only
place I do admit it. Even the few close friends I have do not know my entire
life story.....only people on WP, my immediate family and the mental health
professionals i've dealt with do.


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22 May 2010, 7:40 pm


Pwning the threads with my mad 1337 skillz.


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22 May 2010, 7:53 pm

I'm unemployed but I have some disabilities besides AS that make it extremely difficult for me to find a job in my area. My state's having financial issues & they cut funding for the social services that mite would help me or other disableds find employment. I've worked in the past but I've been unemployed sense November of 2008. I've graduated high-school in 2001 & I only have 38 months of total employment in three jobs. Two wer custodial & my 1st was a dishwasher

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22 May 2010, 8:55 pm

No. I never have and I'm 22.


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24 May 2010, 1:10 pm

I work as a data entry specialist.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain

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24 May 2010, 1:22 pm

Im self employed :)


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24 May 2010, 2:27 pm

I'm unemployed.


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24 May 2010, 4:29 pm

I have been working for the last two years in a call center for a retailer. Before that I worked 10 years in the security industry.


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24 May 2010, 4:33 pm

I work very part time (12-18 hours/week) at the animal shelter, feeding and cleaning cages. I like it because of the animals and because there's little interaction with people.


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24 May 2010, 7:03 pm

I'm unemployed. I tend to be that a lot myself. I have trouble both finding and keeping jobs. My longest, almost two years, ended with me being terminated due a stress reaction back at the end of March.

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24 May 2010, 8:36 pm

I have NLD, not AS. Formally not AS. I think I have some AS characteristics, but NLD really does fit me more. I was diagnosed at age 46, a little over 10 years ago. After a few repetitive clerical jobs I held a few years each, I was lucky, really lucky to find (legal) document coding. I liked the clerical jobs but I did mediocre at them due to coordination/visual processing/memory issues. My strength is text and coding combined repetition with text with coworkers who were mostly various kinds of outsiders so I fit in well with it. Some I had problems with if speed was an issue or if the management wasn't organized but in general it was a great fit for me. The work started drying up for various reasons, though, in the late 90's, and I didn't cross-train well for the most part. So I went back to school full-time on student loans, got a degree in a language I never really learned to speak, and in 2006 I was out in the job market again. Very unhelpful experience with DOR (except I did learn MS Office which is great!). They saw my test scores, my verbal ability, concluded that my only problem is anxiety, and tried to make me into an administrative assistant. My neighbor helped me get a market research job totalling about 10 weeks a year (which I hate but I'm grateful for and still have), I did get a few months total of data entry work at a non-profit which has since gone out of business, and, due to my ability to test well I did the Census thing last year and this year. That's been about it. Still would more repetitive-type clerical work but with this economy and no help from DOR. Oh, well, after my upcoming market research ends in a couple weeks, will look.


"Don't try to change me, or rearrange me, to satisfy the selfishness in you. I could never give in to, or never live up to, be like you think I should."


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25 May 2010, 7:07 am

I'm not currently employed but have worked many different jobs since I was 16, I'm now 33. I don't interview very well but I've usually found jobs but not any that pay well. Most of the things I like to do don't pay well though. I like to travel and have tended to work quite a few seasonal jobs at national parks and such.

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25 May 2010, 8:01 am

Been unemployed for awhile, until recently. Finally got employed at Home Depot, will be starting there tomorrow (nervous as hell). I worked summers as a cashier at a water park, though in my past, and may do that again this summer if I want extra hours. Not sure though, don't wanna overload myself.


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25 May 2010, 12:42 pm

SuperTrouper wrote:
I work very part time (12-18 hours/week) at the animal shelter, feeding and cleaning cages. I like it because of the animals and because there's little interaction with people.

I would so love that job.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain