notautistic wrote:
:) Hello. Everyone keeps saying I'm autistic even though I'm not.
Are you in school or college? This sounds to me like bullying, ganging up against one person and using a diagnostic term as an abusive name. (At least that is how I interpret what you wrote).
You could call them on bullying, or ask for support. If there is a free psychological service available to you, then maybe you could ask for a formal assessment. But really there are online tests like the one above, which are exactly the same as formal tests used in diagnosis - there are some more tests at - and a printout of one of them might be enough to make your point.
But that is the thing - what is your point? I think your point is that they are bullying you (or at east upsetting you) by misusing the term "autistic", and they need educating about what autism is and what you are not.
(I scored "more than 34 - extreme"...)