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05 Jun 2010, 2:48 pm

eightyfour wrote:
i dont think you intentionally manipulated....looks more like you just wanted to retract your previous statement because you may have realized how it may have sounded. So, to regain your "power", you chose to state that your previous comment was a tool of manipulation rather than a geniune moment of weakness.

but there i go trying to analyze a stranger....

Maybe you're right. I don't always know what my motivation is. I just know I like to have confirmation that people read and understand what I have to say. Of course I don't usually give other people confirmation that I understand what they have to say so I'm a bit of a hypocrite.

I also criticize myself first so that other people won't criticize me because I don't take criticism well. Like I just did.


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05 Jun 2010, 9:49 pm

Swordfish210 wrote:
I do not know if this is entirely on topic,
but when I have conversations about a certain topic, the thing I want to say about it are stored as bulletpoints in my head,
and I can get really frustrated if I havn't mentioned all these points before the conversation moves on. I find myself trying to get it back on the original topic to finish my list.

Wow, i do the same thing! I keep going back to the old topic and other people are like "uhhh, Casey, we moved past that topic a while back...." But i feel like i have special information or a special perspective on it that needs to be shared with everyone. With certain topics i sometimes even feel kind of posessive... Like if someone else starts giving information about it, i'm thinking "hey, that's MINE." lol.


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05 Jun 2010, 10:11 pm

I can only seem to talk about my cat. I talk to everyone about her. If it's not about my cat or the cats at work, I don't have anything to contribute.


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05 Jun 2010, 10:15 pm

Swordfish210 wrote:
I do not know if this is entirely on topic,
but when I have conversations about a certain topic, the thing I want to say about it are stored as bulletpoints in my head,
and I can get really frustrated if I havn't mentioned all these points before the conversation moves on. I find myself trying to get it back on the original topic to finish my list.

I do this for certain topics, if it's something really important to me that I think would be helpful for someone. Maybe it's my ADHD, maybe it's just my personality. It's especially difficult if someone'scome to me with a problem and I know I have a good answer but they don't listen to it. I wish they'd keep their problem to themselves if they don't want an answer.

I caught doing that tonight with a friend about neurodiversity. I wanted to say three or four things but we got interupted and I couldn't get him back to it. I decided to just send him an email later.


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06 Jun 2010, 3:22 pm

I only talk about special intrests and don't really care what others think.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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06 Jun 2010, 4:17 pm

It sort of a compulsion really. I do try to stop myself but the more I prevent speaking about my topic of interest the more it spews out or I just shut down completely. This is one of the reasons that I have a hard time socially. This is why I dont like talking to people who do not really know me. I have a hard time listening sometimes although I am better than when I was a child. Also when someone cuts me off and starts changing the subject I will sometimes try to go along with it but then I always end up turning the conversation around and going back to what I was talking about. I am also really bad with interrupting people because if I dont I will forget what I was going to say....its as if I cant breathe if I dont say it. I am well aware that I annoy people but its hard to control. I think at this point in my life changing might be next to impossible.
I do seem to be able to have nice back and forth conversations with my husband (Im usually interested in what he is talking about) and my two close friends (although my one friend I do tend to annoy but she knows how to talk to me without upsetting me). Im also good with my younger kids....I annoy my older kids with my on and on topics of conversation.


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06 Jun 2010, 7:48 pm

I have very limited topics of conversations.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain


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06 Jun 2010, 10:04 pm

marshall wrote:
Now I tend to avoid talking about stuff that interests me, or at least limit my enthusiasm around others.

I do that too, at least for some subjects. Now I have more difficulty to keep conversation a conversat6ion mood.

eightyfour wrote:
I also often find that I am going over the same things again and again because I often get the feeling that the person I am talking to really doesnt understand what I am saying. They think they do, but I often find that they are not thinking as deeply as I am on the matter and I really try to get them to see it the "right way". .

May have be more to do with high intelliegence that asperger, maybe.

marshall wrote:
my post will probably be ignored. Sad

I can relate to that :(

Down with speculators!! !

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Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jun 2010, 1:44 pm

Swordfish210 wrote:
but when I have conversations about a certain topic, the thing I want to say about it are stored as bulletpoints in my head,
and I can get really frustrated if I havn't mentioned all these points before the conversation moves on. I find myself trying to get it back on the original topic to finish my list.

I can totally relate to this. I do the exact same thing, and sometimes it's taxing to keep that bullet point list entirely up in my head. I feel like I'm a tape deck that just keeps rewinding until the tape finished playing out.

marshall wrote:
Now I tend to avoid talking about stuff that interests me, or at least limit my enthusiasm around others. I can get really depressed when someone seems emotionally unresponsive or doesn't give me any feedback. I feel kindof hurt, or maybe just frustrated, when others aren't into anything I'm into. It bothers me so much that I kind of repress myself.

I guess it's a two way street though as I can get REALLY bored with other people's conversations and I often feel completely fake when I try to participate in random chit-chat / banter. NT's, especially the unintellectual ones, are always going to find the stuff I'd like to discuss boring, and on the same token I'll always find their mindless meandering chit-chat boring. I don't see that there's an easy reconcisliation. I AM very different from most people, despite what some people claim, those who insist that I just need to "put myself out" more. I guess some of this is clinical depression related as much as AS related. Social anhedonia if you will.

I don't stop talking entirely, but I have learned to tone it down a bit when it gets to my special interests, although sometimes I forget. I'm not at the point where I'm only interested in my special interests, but if nothing that I'm even remotely interested in intersects with what the person in question wants to talk about, I'm probably not going to be talking much.

Metal_Man wrote:
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in sports, gambling or beer so any conversation with most NT men is out. My interests make it hard to engage in small talk with most people.

For me, it depends on who I'm around. I also have no interest in sports or gambling...and if I still drank alcohol, then I might be interested in beer, but more about the finer points (i.e. how it's made, good imported or microbrews, etc).

If someone has a broad range of interests and is halfway intelligent, then I have no problem. With women, I have trouble making conversation sometimes...if I come across a geek/intelletual/nerd/maybe another Aspie, then no problem, or even a tomboy might be fine. I don't do well with's as if I'm from another planet.

eightfour wrote:
I also often find that I am going over the same things again and again because I often get the feeling that the person I am talking to really doesnt understand what I am saying. They think they do, but I often find that they are not thinking as deeply as I am on the matter and I really try to get them to see it the "right way".

I do this too. I keep wondering if the person in question is really listening to me, or did they just want to hear me talk...which is annoying, because I prefer not to talk unless I have something to say.

A side note: my fiance has gotten used to my visiting the same topics frequently. I asked him about this a while back, to which he replied: "I just consider you a wealth of information". :)

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