have you ever run into one of your old bullies?
Ran into one tonight.
They're just dumb and f*****g ret*d and never really grow up (they actually grow up a bit try to be nice bujt it's just in their nature to be a dick).
They're scum but they're still people, instead of ignoring it like back in the school days I just give them a "I will kill you stare" after the smart arse comments they usually make, or when they emphasise a situation regarding something socially mildly odd about me, they usually get the picture and back off after they realise I'm serious.
People won't take you seriously if you just ignore them which is the moral crap they taught in school.
People always test other people, it has nothing to do with autism, but people draw a line whereas autistics don't make a fuss and cop the abuse.
I incredibly regret the fact that I wasn't more aggressive in school, the anger and aggression was there but I held back due to strong moral factors.
If there was any advice I'd give to parents of an autistic child having a hard time it would be to teach your kid to stand up for himself. If a bully even pushes you or punches you or some provoking crap, you have to retaliate (unless you surely can't win) and punch him (within reason) and if he goes to fight back then you're free to not hold back and go for the win (within reason don't try to bloody kill him).
For me it was all caused by anxiety regarding my reputation, I avoided fighting to stay low on the radar, ironically the anxiety made my reputation worse as it turned me into a target in early high school (which is obvious now but not at 14).
I see my past bullies almost all the time, now I don't care anymore, I have all this built up anger because of suppressing everything and the feeling for revenge is so strong I don't get intimidated, this is not a good thing and they key reason you need to get your child to stand up for themselves, You don't want them turning into an angry pessimist like myself. That anger builds up (and is always on your mind) and the most important thing is to let it out at the time and win and retain your confidence.
It's funny how things turn out sometimes, my worst bully who was the strongest kid in school is now my best friend. I hated him and wanted to kill him for making my life miserable. Somehow he ended up as one of my best mates and eventually I learned his mum was on drugs and he was raised alone by his macho father (a body builder) who pretty much picks fights and acts like a jock. Now I see he had a life as hard as mine (harder even) and forgive him, that past doesn't even bother me anymore.
But that was a couple years after high school. At the time as a victim you're not even given a chance to socialize and learn information like this so you're still going to have to fight everyone who bullies you.
I guess my point is to try and give them a chance and figure them out if you can before assuming their trash. Most have their reasons but are still clearly wrong, you still need to beat them into a pulp if they're starting you but if you go in there thinking they're monsters you'll probably give them more than they deserve and go to far. Fighting really is an art as much as I hate to admit it.
You're kidding yourself if you think your kid can just off bullying, it'll severely scare him emotionally for life which is far worse than ANYTHING they can do to him physically.
For your child's own good you need to make sure he stands up for himself and most importantly doesn't avoid confrontations or stay quiet/shy. Teach him how to fight.
Otherwise he'll lose respect, self esteem, confidence, acceptance basically everything. And even if he moves to a new country or something (fresh start with new people), it won't help. He'll be stuck like that for life no matter what.
When I was 12 my father bought my brother and I mini bikes. My friends and I would ride these mini bikes for hours on my parents property out in the country. Before we went down with my dad to the property he would make me and my friends do little jobs for him like edge the sidewalk near the lawn, prune the trees, or rake leaves. These two 15 year old jerks would wait for us to have all the leaves piled up then jump in them to roll around and kick them everywhere. My father told us to rake them back up we were more than a little angry. My dad told us we still had to pick up the dog poop why don't you put the poop in the leaves. That was the first time he got the kids to clean up the dog poop. Sure enough after we put the poop in the leaf piles here comes the bullies ready to dive into our leaf piles. They acted like they did before rolling and kicking but this time when they got out of the pile they had leaves stuck to them. When they ran off they probably were wondering why we were all laughing so hard.
yeah, and for some reason he was scared s**tless of me.
he'd bullied me on the school bus early on in elementary school.
i reported it and it stopped. i saw him again a few years later and said hi, but he just backed away with a look of abject fear in his eyes, leading me to believe his parents must've beaten him or something when they found out he got in trouble for bullying me.
+Blog: http://itsdeeperthanyouknow.blogspot.com/
+"Beneath all chaos lies perfect order"
+Blog: http://itsdeeperthanyouknow.blogspot.com/
+"Beneath all chaos lies perfect order"
Maybe she thought you were going to do someting. But I think she probably relised how much she hurt you and now is ashamed of how she acted when she was young.
I got teased and bullied in elementary, junior high, high school, college and now in the work place. It is an on going thing dealing with bullies. Yet I know bullying is just WRONG. Even as a kid when other kids were making me feel bad, I knew it was wrong, yet bullies think it's ok? Wonder why? But maybe you should have said something back to that girl. Say something to make her cry out in pain.
If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)
It truly is wonderful to be a loner. No friends to make fun of you. You can do your own thing whenever and go wherever you want. You don't have to worry about if your best friend is dating your boyfriend, or dating your girlfriend. It's YOU! I enjoy being alone. No friends is great! No bullying. But I have to deal with the bullies at work.
If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)
Not in person, fortunately. But some of my old bullies insist on being my current bullies as well, attempting to screw up my life from a distance as much as they can. Which seems ridiculous. We're in our thirties now. What on earth is so important to them about trying to make my life miserable, that they would take time away from their jobs and their families to pull this kind of crap? It's such a waste of time, energy, and talent. But I guess some people get off on things like this, and some of them don't have the decency to feel ashamed of themselves. I guess some people never grow up.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams
Girls in the 7th and 8th grade are the worst! I hate teenagers. They get in these groups with other girls and gossip and do stupid things. So cliquey. So stupid. I will never understand why people love to be bullies.
I probably would have said something to them to make them cry. I can't put the words on here. But I would say a few to them. I would love to make the bullies cry as they did to me.
If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)
He was just horrible to me all the way through 4th grade. In the Fall he pushed me into piles of leaves and rubbed leaves in my face. In the Winter he pushed me into piles of snow and rubbed snow into my face. He also threw snowballs at me if he was too far away to push. In February he gave me an "I HATE You!!" valentine at the class Valentine's party. In the Spring, he pushed me into mud puddles and rubbed mud into my face. In the Summer, school was out and he didn't live near me so I was free of him there. But I dreaded the return of Fall and being in 5th grade with him. But he went to a different school! Wahoo!
Then, when I was 20 and going to a party in college, I saw him at the same party. I tried to leave really fast. I didn't want to know what the adult version of his bullying would be. He ran after me and grabbed my arm. I tried to get away from him but he held on and said "Wait, wait. I have to talk to you. I have to apologize."
He explained that the year of bullying was because he had a crush on me. He would have gotten grief from his friends and bullied himself if he let it show so he did an extreme turnaround and was incredibly vicious to me to prove to his friends that he didn't have a crush just in case they started to supsect. All of the rubbing leaves, snow and mud in my face was an excuse to touch my face so he could do that with nobody suspecting. Jesus!! ! Ten year old boys are lunatics. But at least he grew into somebody who had a more appropriate way of showing affection. At any rate, his girlfriend was with him and she looked a little annoyed by this whole conversation. I assume that his apology to me meant that he no longer showed attraction with violence. I sure hope so for her sake. Some men never grow out of that and they beome extremely dangerous to any woman who is attractive to them.
That's really good.
People who have the balls to apologise and explain give me hope.
I honestly would NEVER forgive any bully from school, family or work place. Most likely they just want my reaction. I'm sure bullies ask for forgiveness but it doesn't come from the heart. It's just their a** that's talking. Meaning it's not true. They aren't sorry for hurting me. I got no friends, but still deal with the teasing and bullying in the work place AND certain family members. I don't know but my uncle and cousin on dad's side despise me. They act as if I'm dumb. Well I won't go into what mistakes my cousin has made that I would never make.
If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)
Last edited by luvsterriers on 19 Aug 2010, 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You don't know this.
If you don't give people a chance, they won't give you one.