When I see your posts I see a very angry and hurt young man that is a reflection of myself in a bygone time in my life when there was no internet, no AS-awareness to speak of, and those who were close to me were just as befuddled as any counsellors who ever tried to help me. You've been with us just over 6 weeks as of the time of this writing. Are you sure you want out?
Like scousered says, frankness is a basis of this forum and facing up to our demons is anything but pleasant. You also have to understand things aren't always as they seem. And you know what? You have a lot of company here
I've read your profile. I see you like to write
I haven't see any of your works but I'm guessing you probably write better than you can speak. I also write and I personally can't imagine a better therapy. Do you do any journalling? Do you write about the things you've gone through in your life? Do you ever write what you wish you could have been able to say verbally in any situation you experienced?
I'll also be the first to tell you that being AS-autistic really sucked for me all that time and although I've come to a time in my life that I've accepted it as part of what I'm all about, it still sucks some times. There is no changing the fact that it will be there to the end and out of any random cross-section of 150 people, there will never be more than 10 that I could relate to on the same level. All the more reason to be careful who I surround myself with. I'm not familiar with your personality traits but I'm guessing the same sort of thing applies with you.
And it sucks too when I meet up with a lady, get chatting up, then she sees that "something's not right about this guy" -but that's just the way closed-minded NT's are. What they don't understand, they F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real). I too have heard that line so countless many a time: "I think you're a really, really nice guy but...
" -and I still come across that to this day.
I'm open to anything you might want to share. Whatever you decide, good luck and God bless!
If "manners maketh man" as someone said
Then he's the hero of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile
Be yourself no matter what they say
**Sting, Englishman In New York