A favorite quote of mine from the movie The Mothman Prophecies:
John Klein: I think we can assume that these entities are more advanced than us. Why don't they just come right out and tell us what's on their minds?
Alexander Leek: You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?
Perin wrote:
Maybe it sounds selfish or neurotic, but I want people to see it the way I see it, and the way I understand it. It seems impossible, but being stubborn, I keep trying to find ways to achieve that.
Right on. I wish the same thing. I really wish I could SHOW other people what I'm thinking and why, and then maybe they could understand why I tend to be so confused by their words and actions. Having to try and spell it out with words is sometimes impossible, and most times I don't even try.
Wolfheart wrote:
it sounds even worse when they mention that some killer or internet troll is on the spectrum as if their diagnosis was the sole reason that they committed the crime.
Has this actually happened?