Kiseki wrote:
MONKEY wrote:
It's not common for AS-ers to have no eye contact problems. When you do look in people's eyes, are you just seeing eyes or what they're feeling? Because I think being able to make eye contact is different from getting meaning out of it.
I just see eyes. I like the way eyes look and I always have. As a kid I used to doodle them all the time. The first thing I notice about people is their eyes. Maybe liking the way the look is why I keep looking at them?
ColdBlooded wrote:
Like everyone else said, it's possible just unusual. But, it's also common for people with ASD to overestimate how functional they are in different areas.. because to us what we do doesn't seem strange. So, before you're so sure that you have normal eye contact, you might want to ask family members or friends if they think you have normal eye contact. Some people with ASD even make too much eye contact and stare, probably because they're trying to do what they're "supposed to do" but end up doing it wrong still.
I think I do stare. I've noticed myself doing that. I'm not sure how I am supposed to look at people to be honest. I mean, when do you look and when do you look away?
I notice eyes also (thought it was funny that you said you'd draw them - I do the same thing and always have). I have never had issues with making eye contact. I do remind myself however when talking to more than one person that I must make eye contact with each person as equally as possible to avoid appearing rude.
My son has good eye contact but I know it's not what it's "supposed" to be. Because it's significantly better than other children with Autism though, many people have trouble believing that's what's going on with him.
Glad I found this thread.